
unusual facts about Gregory Palamas

Dumitru Stăniloae

He went to Munich to attend the courses of Prof. August Heisenberg (father of physicist Werner Heisenberg), and then went to Berlin, Paris and Istanbul to study the work of Gregory Palamas.

Patriarch Isidore I of Constantinople

In 1345, Isidore, who was at the time the bishop elect of Monemvasia, and Gregory Palamas were excommunicated by a synod of anti-hesychast bishops that had been convened by Patriarch John XIV Kalekas who himself was an opponent of St. Gregory.

Prochoros Kydones

An advocate of Western Aristotelian thought, his translation of Latin Scholastic writings, brought him into conflict with Hesychasm, the leading school of Byzantine mystical theology, and its most vigorous defender, Gregory Palamas.

see also