
4 unusual facts about synod

Church Urban Fund

2000 and 2002 Debates at Synod affirmed the Church’s commitment to ministry alongside the poor and marginalised.

Harold Lloyd Henderson

He also served as Presbytery and Synod Moderator, and was a frequent Commissioner to the Presbyterian Church's in Canada's General Assembly.

Lutheran Church of Central Africa

The Lutheran Church of Central Africa was established by Lutheran missionaries from the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod.


The name is a corruption of the term "synod's man", a title referring to prominent members of the congregation who represented the parish to the Diocesan Synod.

A Call for Unity

Edward V. Ramage, Moderator, Synod of the Alabama Presbyterian Church in the United States

Agostino Ciasca

In 1891 he was created Titular Archbishop of Larissa with the appointment to the office of prefect of the Vatican Archives; in the same year he was sent by the Holy See to preside over the Ruthenian synod at Lemberg.


Mr Joseph Sadare was compelled to give up his post in the Synod and others were forced to resign their jobs and to withdraw their children from the Anglican School.


The national Synods at Alençon, 1637; at Charenton, 1645; and at Loudun, 1659 (the last synod permitted by the French government), decided against the excommunication of Amyraut but delimited his views in order to avoid further variance with historic Reformed orthodoxy.

Archbishop Spyridon of America

In 1985 the Holy Synod of the Ecumenical Patriarchate elected him titular bishop of Apamea, assigning him as an auxiliary bishop to the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Austria and Exarchate of Italy, as it was then known.

August William Edwins

He graduated from Augustana Seminary in 1902 and was ordained that year at the Synod convention held in Ishpeming, Michigan.

Aventinus of Tours

Living the life of a hermit in Tours, France, before being ordained a deacon by St. Thomas Becket, and subsequently accompanied him to the Synod of Tours in 1163.

Church of Ireland

This practice has been broken only once when, in 1999, the House of Bishops voted unanimously in public to endorse the efforts of the Archbishop of Armagh, the Diocese of Armagh and the Standing Committee of the General Synod in their attempts to resolve the crisis at the Church of the Ascension at Drumcree near Portadown.


The Concilium Germanicum was the first major Church synod to be held in the eastern parts of the Frankish kingdoms.

Concordia University Texas

The original main building, Kilian Hall, is named for the Wend John Kilian, founder of the first Texas Lutheran church associated with the Missouri Synod and leader of a large group of Wends (also called Sorbs) who settled in the Serbin area.

Confessional Lutheranism

both sending missionaies to newly arrived German immigrants in the Midwest and the immigration of groups like the Saxons, who settled in Missouri under Martin Stephan and C.F.W. Walther, the Germans who settled in Indiana under F.C.D. Wyneken, and the Prussians under J.A.A. Grabau in Western New York and southeastern Wisconsin (the Buffalo Synod).

Conrad I of Germany

His attempt to mobilize the East Frankish episcopate led by Archbishop Unni of Bremen to his cause at the 916 synod of Hohenaltheim was not enough to compensate.

Continental Reformed church

This is usually called Synodal government by the continental Reformed, but is essentially the same as Presbyterian polity, with the elders forming the consistory, the regional governing body known as the classis, and the highest court of appeal being the general synod.

Daniel Chamier

His provincial synod appointed him deputy to the National Synod at Saumur, and the gathering at Loudun in 1596.

Deanery synod

In the Church of England and other Anglican churches, a deanery synod is a synod convened by the Rural Dean (or Area Dean) and/or the Joint Lay Chair of the Deanery Synod, who is elected by the elected lay members.


It is highly probable that this deference to the Archbishop of Canterbury may have had something to do with the claim put forward by the latter in a synod held in 1072, two years before Dunan's death, in which, on the supposed authority of Bede, he asserted his supremacy over the church of Ireland — a claim which Dunan's successor admitted in the most explicit manner at his consecration in Canterbury Cathedral.

Feliciano Ninguarda

A series of synods in mid Germany from the 1570s onwards confirmed Ninguarda's reforming ideas, deciding on the foundation of seminaries in Alsace and the County of Tyrol.

Francis Turretin

Turretin is especially known as a zealous opponent of the theology of the Academy of Saumur (embodied by Moise Amyraut and called Amyraldianism), as an earnest defender of the Calvinistic orthodoxy represented by the Synod of Dort, and as one of the authors of the Helvetic Consensus, which defended the formulation of double predestination from the Synod of Dort and the verbal inspiration of the Bible.

Frankean Synod

The Synod was named in memory of the Pietist leader of the Foundation at the University of Halle, August Hermann Francke.


King Æthelbald of Mercia (r.716-757) held a synod at Gumley in that year, at the instigation of Saint Boniface, to answer accusations that he had been oppressing churches and monasteries.

Henry V, Holy Roman Emperor

The papal party who had supported Henry in his resistance to his father hoped he would assent to the papal decrees, which had been renewed by Paschal II at the synod of Guastalla in 1106.

History of Calvinist–Arminian debate

Oldenbarnevelt and Grotius were arrested, and the synod, held at Dordrecht (Dort), was convened.

Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church

From 1721, during Peter the Great's reign, until August 1917 (existed only nominally prior to (14) February 1, 1918) the Holy Governing Synod was the supreme body of the church, and state administrative authority in the Russian Empire, replacing a patriarch in some general church functions and external relations, as well as service and oversight to the cathedrals of the bishops of the local church.

Joseph de Torre

He was consultor to the late Cardinal Julio Rosales in the Pontifical Commission for the Revision of the Code of Canon Law, to the Papal Nuncio to the Philippines, Archbishop Bruno Torpiglani, and to Cardinal Jaime Sin, who appointed him delegate to the 1979 Synod of Manila, as expert in social ethics.

Living Waters

Living Waters for the World, a mission resource of the Synod of Living Waters of the Presbyterian Church (USA)

Montenegrin Orthodox Church

In the Church of St. Paraskeva in Sofia, on March 15, 1998, he was ordained as bishop by Bulgarian Alternative Synod's head Patriarch Pimen and seven Metropolitans and Episcops of his synod.

Moses Amyraut

This gave rise to a charge of heresy, of which he was acquitted at the national synod held at Alençon in 1637, and presided over by Benjamin Basnage (1580–1652).

Papal election, 1061

Alexander II excommunicated Honorius II in 1063, but after a counter-synod Honorius II was able to establish himself in Castel Sant'Angelo and wage war against Alexander II for another year before fleeing again to Parma.

Patriarch Cosmas II of Constantinople

Cosmas was condemned and deposed on February 26, 1147 by a synod held at the Palace of Blachernae because of indulgence in relation to the monk Niphon, a condemned Bogomil since 1144, whom he received in his home and at his table.

Patriarch Isidore I of Constantinople

In 1345, Isidore, who was at the time the bishop elect of Monemvasia, and Gregory Palamas were excommunicated by a synod of anti-hesychast bishops that had been convened by Patriarch John XIV Kalekas who himself was an opponent of St. Gregory.

Péter Erdő

On Tuesday, 18 September 2012, Cardinal Erdő was appointed by Pope Benedict XVI to be one of the Synod Fathers for the upcoming October 2012 Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops on the New Evangelization.

Pope Gelasius II

He was received with great enthusiasm at Avignon, Montpellier and other cities, held a synod at Vienne in January 1119, and was planning to hold a general council to settle the investiture contest when he died at Cluny.

Pope John X

He sent a papal legate to a synod of bishops convoked by Conrad at Altheim in 916, with the result that the synod ordered Conrad’s opponents to present themselves before Pope John at Rome if they did not appear before another synod for judgement, under pain of excommunication.

Pope Leo IX

In the same year he presided over provincial synods at Salerno, Siponto and Vercelli, and in September revisited his native Germany, returning to Rome in time for a third Easter synod, at which the question of the reordination of those who had been ordained by simonists was considered.

Prince-Bishopric of Augsburg

He took part in several synods convened by Saint Boniface in Germany; in company with Saint Magnus of Füssen, he founded the monastery of Füssen; and with Saint Boniface he dedicated the monastery at Benediktbeuern.

Reformed Presbyterian Church, General Synod

Eventually, thanks to influence of newer people in the denomination such as Gordon Clark, discussions began with the Bible Presbyterian Church-Columbus Synod, which included members such as Francis Schaeffer and Jay E. Adams.

Resolutions of the United Church of Christ

==1999 - Twenty-second General Synod XXII held in Providence, Rhode Island==

Robert Kuhn

Robert T. Kuhn (born 1937), American clergyman, president of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod

Robert W. Edmondson

Edmondson was elected Metropolitan Archbishop by the Holy Synod of the ALCC on December 12, 2011, and replaces the founder and first Metropolitan Archbishop, Irl A. Gladfelter.

Roman Catholic Diocese of Brescia

In conformity with the decrees of the Council of Trent, Domenico Bollani (1559) convened a diocesan synod (1574) and founded the seminary.


He was the leader of a council at Sirmium in 351, held against Photinus who had been a deacon at Ancyra, and the canons of this synod begin by condemning Arianism, though they do not quite come up to the Nicene standard.

Sir Edward Dering, 1st Baronet

In the debate on 12 October on the second Bishops Exclusion Bill, Dering proposed that a national synod should be called to remove the distractions of the church.

Synod of Thionville

On 2 February, 835, Ebbo appeared at the Synod of Thionville, where in the presence of the emperor and forty-three bishops he solemnly declared the monarch innocent of the crimes of which he had accused him at Soissons, and on 28 February, 835, made a public recantation from the pulpit of the cathedral of Metz.

Synod of Worcester

The Synod of Worcester was conducted by the Bishop of Worcester, England, Walter de Cantilupe on 26 July 1240.

Syro-Malabar Catholic Church

Michael Geddes, (1694) A Short History of the Church of Malabar together with the Synod of Diamper, London.

Vissarion Korkoliacos

The Bishop of Fthiotida, Nickolaos, said that the Church should not be in a hurry to announce any kind of sanctity of the monk Vissarion, and that the issue should be discussed at the Iera Sinodhos (Holy Synod) of the Orthodox Church of Greece in Athens.

Warnachar II

When Clotaire then became sole king of the Franks, he left Warnachar in power in Austrasia briefly, but confirmed at Bonneuil-sur-Marne, in 617, Warnachar's function in Burgundy until his death in 626 (or 627 or 628, when he is said to have called a synod of Burgundian bishops).

see also