
unusual facts about Guy A. Sautter

Guy A. Sautter

John Arlott (Hrsg.): The Oxford companion to sports & games. Oxford University Press, London 1975

Guy A. Lepage

Lepage was one of the five founding members of the Quebec comedy group Rock et Belles Oreilles (which also included Yves Pelletier, Bruno Landry and André Ducharme), and remained with the group from 1981 to 1995.

Guy A.S. Wingate

Guy A.S. Wingate was until 2010 Chair of International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering's GAMP Forum who are responsible for developing Good Automated Manufacturing Practice guidance.

Kiss TV

The original incarnation of Kiss TV was created by Guy Wingate, who, as an original co-creator of London's Kiss 100 (in its pirate days) was brought back in to head up EMAP's fledgling TV division by the more-widely known Kiss chief, Gordon McNamee (Mac).

Tout le monde en parle

A Canadian version debuted in 2004 on Radio-Canada with Guy A. Lepage as host and Dany Turcotte as le fou du roi ("the jester").


Guy A. Travaglio, Jr., Democratic member of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives

see also