
9 unusual facts about Guy de Maupassant

Albert Herring

The libretto, by Eric Crozier, was based on Guy de Maupassant's novella Le Rosier de Madame Husson, but it was transposed entirely to an English setting.

Artine Artinian

An authority on Guy de Maupassant, he had translated and edited what is known to be the definitive English-language edition of Maupassant's short stories.

Ground glass

The Guy de Maupassant short story "La Confession" concerns a jealous girl who poisons her older sister's suitor by inserting ground-up glass into cake.

House of Pleasure

House of Pleasure (film), English title for French film Le Plaisir by director Max Ophüls adapting three stories by Guy de Maupassant (Le Masque, La Maison Tellier and Le Modèle).

Hristo G. Danov

Other books published by Danov included individual works by Euripides, Ivan Turgenev, Guy de Maupassant and Jules Verne.

Hugh Walpole bibliography

In 1937 he edited a compilation of short stories, A Second Century of Creepy Stories (Hutchinson, 1937), by a range of writers including Guy de Maupassant, M. R. James, Henry James, Walter de la Mare, Walpole himself ("Tarnhelm") and twenty-two others.

Philip Glenister

Glenister had a small role (credited as 'Poker Friend') in Woody Allen's You Will Meet A Tall Dark Stranger in 2010 and plays Charles Forestier in a 2011 feature film of Guy de Maupassant's Bel Ami.

Stefan Hammarén

Hammarén has also written poems, dramas, short stories and a translation and free interpretation of Guy de Maupassant's "Horla", amongst others.

Yi Kyoung-ja

One of the most important themes Lee is interested in is the caged life of women, similar to that depicted by Guy de Maupassant in Une Vie.

Faina Ranevskaya

It was a silent black and white film based on the novel Boule de Suif by Guy de Maupassant where she starred as Madame Loiseau.

Geneviève Halévy

After a few years, she opened her own salon where distinguished society, such as Baron and Baronness Alphonse de Rothschild, Comtesse Potocka, Duchesse de Richelieu, Comtesse de Chevigné, née de Sade (another model for the Duchesse de Guermantes), etc. could meet with writers and intellectuals such as Guy de Maupassant, Henri Meilhac, Georges de Porto-Riche, Paul Bourget, Paul Hervieu, Joseph Reinach, and of course her cousin Ludovic.

Giuseppe Primoli

He befriended writers and artists both in Italy and France, and was host to Guy de Maupassant, Paul Bourget, Alexandre Dumas fils, Sarah Bernhardt and others in Palazzo Primoli in Rome.

Irina Petraș

Petraş has also translated from English and French into Romanian (Henry James, Marcel Moreau, Jacques De Decker, Jean-Luc Outers, Michel Haar, G.K. Chesterton, D.H. Lawrence, Guy de Maupassant, Anatole France, Mac Linscott Ricketts, Philip Roth, Michel Lambert, Philippe Jones etc.)

Isaak Dunayevsky

The libretto was based on Guy de Maupassant's Mademoiselle Fifi and was published in a book by Naum Shafer (see references and links below).

Pierre-Georges Jeanniot

During the next decades he illustrated a large number of literary books, among them Le Voyage à Saint-Cloud, Germinie Lacerteux (1886), Contes choisis" (Guy de Maupassant, 1886), Tartarin de Tarascon(Daudet, 1887), "Les Liaisons dangereuses" (Pierre Choderlos de Laclos, 1917).

Serdar Roşan

He has also translated nine books from foreign languages into Kurdish including classic works by Cervantes, Guy de Maupassant, Ernest Hemingway and Jack London.

Simo Matavulj

In Paris he met Anatole France, and embarked on translating some of the works of Guy de Maupassant, Molière, and Zola, of whom he was at this period of his career a faithful disciple.

The Story of San Michele

He associated with a number of celebrities of his times, including Jean-Martin Charcot, Louis Pasteur, Henry James, and Guy de Maupassant, all of whom figure in the book.

see also