
4 unusual facts about Guy Drut


Jean-Louis Valentin (replaced the resigned Guy Drut) (appointed by the President of the National Assembly)

Guy Drut

After retirement Guy became active in business and politics, with one of his roles being Minister of Youth Affairs and Sports in the conservative government of Alain Juppé from 1995 to 1997.

The move caused great controversy, including within the majority members of Parliament: president of the National Assembly Jean-Louis Debré commented that it gave an unpleasant impression of "self-washing machine" but said it was a "courageous" move that he would not have made;

It was at the next Olympics that Guy was to realise his dream, winning the 110m hurdles in a time of 13.30 ahead of Cuba's Alejandro Casañas and the American Willie Davenport.

Sandro Calvesi

He was also the first coach of French Olympic champion Guy Drut, winner at the subsequent 1972 Olympics.

see also