
unusual facts about Halakhic


Abba Jose ben Hanan

His career spanned the last decades before the destruction of the Second Temple and was a contemporary of Eliezer ben Jacob and of Hanina ben Antigonus, with both of whom he is mentioned in a halakhic discussion.

Chaim Kanievsky

His halakhic rulings on prayer are recorded in Ishei Yisroel, and rulings pertaining to Shiluach haken are recorded in Shaleiach T'Shalach.

Elisha ben Abuyah

He evidently had a reputation as an authority in questions of religious practice, since Mo'ed Katan 20a records one of his halakhic decisions — the only one in his name, although others may be recorded under the names of his students or different rabbis.

Geneivat da'at

The concept is incorporated in three provisions of Meir Tamari's proposed "Halakhic Corporate Code of Ethics" -- insider trading (even where permitted by secular law), product information and advertising, and fraudulent financial accounting reports.

Golds World of Judaica

The store currently sells much Jewish literature, including the Siddur, Tanakh, Mishnah, Talmud, Halakhic works, as well as works of Jewish philosophy, Hasidut and Kabbalah, both in the original Hebrew version and with English translation, as well as many Jewish-themed non-fiction and fiction books.

Noah Weinberg

In accordance with a halakhic ruling by Rabbi Avigdor Nebenzahl, Rav of the Old City, his casket was not allowed to be brought into the Old City for eulogies at his yeshiva, Aish HaTorah.

Rehavam Ze'evi

Ze'evi and Yarkoni had worked together in the IDF, and after Yarkoni's death Ze'evi loudly criticised the decision not to bury him in a military cemetery for Halakhic reasons.

Yitzhak Yosef

In 1971, when he was 18 and studying at Yeshivat HaNegev, he collected halakhic rulings from the five volumes of Yavia Omer, the book of his father's responsa, that had been published by then, and published them in the book Yalkut Yosef.

see also