
4 unusual facts about IDF

Ayelet Shaked

On Yom Hazikaron 5771 (Memorial Day 2011) she organized a public trip to the graves of childless IDF martyrs and Holocaust survivors to recite Kaddish as a tribute to their memory.

Foreign exchange controls

Israel, and to a certain extent, Palestine, effectively a country under occupation, borders administrated, and in some cases duties collected by the IDF.

Rehavam Ze'evi

Ze'evi and Yarkoni had worked together in the IDF, and after Yarkoni's death Ze'evi loudly criticised the decision not to bury him in a military cemetery for Halakhic reasons.

Saharonim Prison

In the spring of 2012 the construction of the Saharonim Prison was started, exempt from most local and national regulations, as requested by the Israeli Defense Ministry.

1974 in Israel

1 April – The Agranat Commission publishes its interim report, which calls for the dismissal of the IDF's Chief of Staff Dado Elazar, director of the Israeli Military Intelligence Directorate Eli Zeira and the Chief of the Israeli Southern Command Shmuel Gonen.

Al Bureij massacre

The attack occurred after a Hamas ambush on IDF forces the previous night, which resulted in three IDF deaths and four Hamas deaths.

Amnon Straschnov

He was president of the Military Courts in the West Bank from 1982 to 1984, and served as Military Advocate General of the IDF from 1986 to 1991, during the First Intifada.

Amos Yarkoni

In 1955, the frequency and effectiveness of Fedayeen attacks being launched from the Egyptian-controlled Gaza Strip and the Jordanian-controlled Hebron Hills area against isolated Israeli civilian communities increased, and the IDF searched for new ways to eliminate the threat.

Amos Yaron

During his command, the Brigade suffered the IDF's biggest accident when a Yas'ur helicopter crashed during an exercise in the Jordan Valley, killing all 44 fighters and 10 crew members.

Avigdor Ben-Gal

During a 2007 military conference in Latrun, Ben-Gal sharply criticized what he viewed as a deterioration in the battle readiness of the IDF, and claimed that the IDF's technological revolution has turned soldiers into "bionic machines" and sewn fear among senior officers that open criticism would hamper advancement in their own careers.

Avihu Ben-Nun

In 1992 Ben-Nun handed command of the Israeli Air Force over to Herzl Bodinger, resigning from the IDF.

Avraham Heffner

After his IDF service, he studied French literature at the Sorbonne, Paris.

Barak Bakhar

His call up was canceled though, being that he never completed his service in the IDF, a requirement of all Jewish players in order to represent Israel on the national side, and Eyal Meshumar was called up in his place.

Binyamin Weinberg

The injured soldiers, Weinberg among them, hid for an entire day in a water tower until the Paratroopers Brigade rescued them.

Coastal Road massacre

According to Augustus Richard Norton, professor of international relations at Boston University, the IDF military operation killed approximately 1,100 people, most of them Palestinian and Lebanese civilians.

Combat engineer

The IDF Caterpillar D9 armored bulldozers were key factor in keeping IDF casualties low during the Second Intifada, as they were impervious to Palestinian weapons and detonated safely thousands of IEDs and booby traps, some were big enough to destroy a main battle tank.

Daniella Kertesz

Kertesz is best known for her role as "Segen", an Israeli lieutenant in the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) assigned to protect Brad Pitt's character's life, in the 2013 film World War Z.

Eli Marom

MK Nachman Shai called for Marom's resignation and IDF Chief of Staff Gabi Ashkenazi verbally rebuked him for his behavior.

Fadi Kafisha

In 2004 Kafisha was wounded during a confrontation with IDF soldiers and his arm was amputated.

Friend a Soldier

Friend a Soldier was founded in 2010 by IDF Special Forces veteran Daniel Nisman and IDF infantry veterans Joshua Mintz and Yagil Beinglass following their experiences debating and discussing the Israeli Palestinian conflict online in chat rooms and forums.


In April 2009, the Lebanese paper Daily Star reported the IDF had agreed to withdraw from northern Ghajar at a meeting at Rosh HaNikra.

Herzliya Conference

The Herzliya Conference, hosted by the Interdisciplinary Center at Herzliya, is Israel's center stage for the articulation of national policy by its most prominent leaders, including the Israeli President, the Prime Minister, the IDF Chief of General Staff, and the leading contenders for high political office.

Hot mobile

In 2006 Mirs became the sole provider of wireless service to the IDF following the end of the IDF contract with Pelephone.

Ilana Dayan

She was drafted to the IDF during the First Lebanon War, and served as producer, editor, and correspondent for the Israel Army Radio.

International Diabetes Federation

IDF is associated with the Department of Public Information of the United Nations and is in official relations with the World Health Organization and the Pan American Health Organization.

Israeli military prison

The need to create prisons in the IDF arose as the soldiers' discipline deteriorated over the course of the 1948 Arab–Israeli War.

Ken Power

They visited 120 countries and interviewed members of al-Qaeda, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Fatah, Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades, Force 17, the Palestinian Authority, the Knesset, IDF, and US generals, as well as Israeli secret service agents in the Mossad and Shin Bet.

King Abdullah Bridge

During the Six-Day War, on 7 July 1967 a section of the bridge was destroyed by the Harel Brigade of the IDF and it became unusable.

Maccabi Neve Sha'anan Eldad F.C.

During his reserve duty in the IDF, Maccabi Neve Sha'anan player Eldad Regev was abducted by Hezbollah forces.


Formed in 1959 under the name Maram (מר"ם), the unit bought its first computer, a US-made Philco machine. Mordechai Kikion was transferred from RAFAEL (then part of the IDF) to be the unit's first commander. Mamram facilities soon started hosting several other independent data processing units, including the Inventory Processing Center (מענ"א) and the Manpower Computing Center (ממכ"א).

Melody Sucharewicz

Chosen as the winner by a high profile committee (IDF General Gil Regev, journalist Rina Mazliach, media anchor Nachman Shai), Melody traveled around the world as a good will ambassador for Israel for one year.

Nahum Shahaf

Throughout most the 1980s, he worked on unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), which Israeli journalist Amnon Lord described as placing Shahaf "among the leading developers" of the technology.

Netzah Yehuda Battalion

The purpose of the unit is to allow religious Israelis to serve in the IDF in an atmosphere conducive to their religious convictions, within a framework that is strictly halachically observant.


Gadi Eizenkot, Borberg agreed to take a 10-day leave of absence while IDF Judge Advocate-General (JAG) Brig.

Omer Goldman

She notes that the crucial moment of her political awakening occurred when she went to the Palestinian village Shufa where the IDF had set up a roadblock and fired rubber bullets on a Palestinian demonstration.

Operation Boatswain

The legacy of the "23 Who Went Down at Sea" was a source of inspiration to both the Palmach and Palyam, and their memory remains a source of inspiration to IDF soldiers and sailors.

Palestinian refugee

From October to November 1948, the IDF launched Operation Yoav to remove Egyptian forces from the Negev and Operation Hiram to remove the Arab Liberation Army from North Galilee during which at least nine events named massacres of Arabs were carried out by IDF soldiers.

Rotem Crisis

Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion refused the IDF's request for a massive mobilization of reserves, but authorized the call-up of 7,000 men, the minimum required to maintain a heightened state of alert for a prolonged amount of time.

S. Yizhar

In 1949, he published the novella Khirbet Khizeh, in which he described the expulsion of Palestinian Arabs from their village by the IDF during the 1948 Arab-Israeli War.

Shadi Sukiya

The IDF originally suggested that two Kalashnikov assault rifles and a handgun were found on the premises, but subsequently backtracked on the allegation (it appears the weapons were found during the operation, but not in the ISM's building).

Shimon Agranat

The findings of this commission led to the resignation of Prime Minister Golda Meir, Defense Minister Moshe Dayan, and IDF Chief of Staff David Elazar.

Shmuel Zakai

Zakai is a graduate of the IDF Staff College and has a degree in humanities from Tel Aviv University.

Zakai resigned as commander of the IDF's Gaza Division, a position he had held since March 2004, after failing a polygraph test during an investigation into leaks to the Israeli media during the Days of Penitence operation in the northern Gaza Strip in October 2004.

Steven Rose

Steven Rose, together with his wife, sociologist Hilary Rose has been instrumental in calling to boycott Israeli academic institutions for as long as Israel continues its occupation of the Palestinian Territories, on the grounds of Israel academics' close relationship with the IDF.

Sultan Yacoub

During the battle, a column of Israel Defense Forces (IDF) armored vehicles were ambushed at a narrow pass near the Beqaa Valley by the Syrians.

Tadiran Mastiff

Three generations of the Mastiff developed by Tadiran were in operational use by the IDF performing numerous operational missions, the most well known of them was flown during the first Lebanon war when Yasser Arafat was caught by the Mastiff video camera.


The name used at the IDF was CT (presumably for Clackamas Technology, another codename from an Oregon river); within weeks they began referring to it as IA-32e (for IA-32 extensions) and in March 2004 unveiled the "official" name EM64T (Extended Memory 64 Technology).

Yaakov Malkin

During the 1948 war in Israel, he served as a broadcasting officer for the Haganah and the IDF (1947–1948) in the underground radio station, Telem Shamir Boaz, that later became the Israel Army Radio (Galei Tzahal).

Yohmor, Beqaa

It was the site of a bloody battle between the IDF and Hezbollah and cluster munitions were dropped on Yohmor, leaving pock marks in the roads and devastating many buildings.

see also