
2 unusual facts about Hegemony

Agent Aika

Aika Sumeragi is a Japanese woman (voiced by Rei Sakuma) who works as a salvager for hire, but gets caught up in a plot for world domination.


In Star Trek, the Gorn are a humanoid reptilian species from the Gorn Hegemony.

Alfieri clan

In the mid-1980s, the Alfieri clan expanded its hegemony in the province of Naples in different directions towards Pomigliano d'Arco, Agro Nocerino Sarcese along the coastline between Castellamere di Stabia and Torre Annunziata and into the Vesuvius area in the municipalities of Somma Vesuviana, Sant'Anastasia and Volla.

Alfonso López Pumarejo

He was elected president in 1934 almost unopposed, and as the second participant of the so-called Liberal Hegemony in Colombia, his initial government platform became known under the name "Revolución en Marcha" (Marching Revolution), as it attempted to implement far reaching social and political reforms.

Ancient Greek warfare

The first major challenge to the Spartan hegemony occurred in the Corinthian War (395-387 BC).

However, it was soon apparent that the hegemony was unstable, and the Persian Empire sponsored a rebellion by the combined powers of Athens, Thebes, Corinth and Argos, resulting in the Corinthian War (395-387 BC).

Bengali nationalism

Seeking a united Bengal and rejecting British hegemony, Bengalis also spearheaded an emerging revolutionary movement, which assumed a central role in the national independence struggle.

Beresford Richards

Similarly, in March 1949, he was the only other CCF caucus member who did not repudiate statements made by St. Clements MLA Wilbert Doneleyko, denouncing the Marshall Plan and plans for an Atlantic Treaty as a new American hegemony.

Boyer Lectures

2003 - Owen Harries "Benign or Imperial? Reflections on American Hegemony"

Capellan Confederation

Its name is derived from the Capellan Reaches, the region of space spreading out from Terra towards the star system Capella, and for the Capellan Hegemony, once centered on Capella, which was one of the Confederation's founding members.


The town may date back to the Southeast Asian occupation of Yalpanam, where certain settlements and forts were established by Chandrabhanu to maintain hegemony over the overseas colony.

Columbus on Trial

Antonio Gramsci describes hegemony as a form of rule in which dominant ideas, meaning, and values, permeate all of society without appearing to be imposed.

Croatia in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia

However, Serbian hegemony would be severely restricted in Tito's Yugoslavia, with the five out of the nine Prime Ministers of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia of Croat descent.


Buenos Aires Governor Juan Manuel de Rosas exerted a growing hegemony over the rest of the country during his 1835-1852 Government and resisted several Unitarian uprisings, but was finally defeated in 1852 by a coalition Army gathered by Entre Ríos Federalist Governor Justo José de Urquiza, who accused Rosas of not complying with Federal Pact provisions for a National Constitution.


The Gbedu drum is said to have been brought to the Lagos area in the seventeenth century by Edo diplomats, symbolizing the hegemony of the Benin Empire.


Political Islam is referred to as "green-fascism" and conceived of as a form of fascism mainly because of the consolidation of the Ottoman Monarch's ideological hegemony after the adoption of the Caliphate by Ottoman Emperor Yavuz Sultan Selim in 1517 ACE.

Grigol Orbeliani

He, like many other Georgian nobles who years earlier had plotted to overthrow the Russian hegemony, would make peace with the imperial autocracy, a change aided by liberal policies of the Russian viceroy Mikhail Semyonovich Vorontsov.

Lars Tolumnius

The Fidenese leaders of the revolution offered Tolumnius control over their city, which the king gladly accepted, and when Rome sent the four emissaries (Tullus Cloelius, Gaius Fulcinius, Spurius Antius, and Lucius Roscius) to Veii to demand the hegemony of Fidenae back, Tolumnius had them executed.


In 1608 prince Fakhr-al-Din II of Lebanon concluded a secret economic and military alliance with the Grand Duke of Tuscany against the Ottoman hegemony.

Mercian Supremacy

Mercia’s hold over the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms of Essex, Sussex and Kent seems to have been tenuous until 716, when Æthelbald of Mercia restored Mercia’s hegemony for over forty years.


Grave goods, too (coins, glass urns from Emperor Augustus’s time), from barrows within Mörschbach’s limits bear witness to Roman hegemony.


The beginning of the Neo-Gramscian perspective can be traced to York University professor emeritus, Robert W. Cox's article "Social Forces, States and World Orders: Beyond International Relations Theory", in Millennium 10 (1981) 2, and "Gramsci, Hegemony and International Relations: An Essay in Method", published in Millennium 12 (1983) 2.

Pax Americana

In the post-communism world of the 21st-century, the French Socialist politician Hubert Védrine describes the USA as a hegemonic hyperpower, while the U.S. political scientists John Mearsheimer and Joseph Nye counter that the USA is not a “true” hegemony, because it does not have the resources to impose a proper, formal, global rule; despite its political and military strength, the USA is economically equal to Europe, thus, cannot rule the international stage.

Politics of Valledupar

Relatively prompt to political violence the politics of Valledupar have been divided between periods of political instability and periods of relatively political stability along a hegemony between the Colombian Liberal Party and the Colombian Liberal Party following ideals of Colombian Liberalism and Conservatism respectively.

Racho of Autun

Racho holds a tenuous place in authentic history as the predecessor in the diocese of Autun of Leodegar, a fully historical figure who was the great opponent of Ebroin— the mayor of the Palace of Neustria— and the leader of the faction of Austrasian great nobles in the struggles for hegemony over the waning Merovingian dynasty.

Sectarianism and minorities in the Syrian Civil War

Journalist Nir Rosen, writing for Al Jazeera, reported that members of the Alawite sect are afraid of Sunni hegemony, as they were oppressed by Sunnis during Ottoman times and in the early years of the 20th century, the Sunni merchant class held much of the country's wealth and dominated politics.

Star Fleet Battle Force

Star Fleet Battle Force is a card-based starship combat game system, produced and developed by Amarillo Design Bureau Inc. It allows fast-paced multiplayer combat between vessels of various factions in the Star Fleet Universe, such as the Federation, the Klingon and Romulan Empires, the Gorn Confederation, Kzinti Hegemony, Tholian Holdfast and Orion Pirates.

Star General

The seven races include the deceitful Cephalians, the reptilian Dragonians, the feline Hressa, the Humans, the barbarian Khalians, the insectoid Xritra, and fascist human separatists who belong to the Schleinel Hegemony.

Teimuraz I of Kakheti

Determined to eliminate the Safavid hegemony over Georgia, Teimuraz sent his ambassador, Niciphores Irbachi, to Western Europe and requested the aid from Philip IV of Spain and Pope Urban VIII.

The Hybrid Front

In recent years, they developed Mars (with PETO trying spark a series of civil wars on that planet) and maintain a corporate hegemony over the Earth.

The Virtues of War

Alexander first recounts of his younger days serving under his father, Philip II of Macedon, and Philip's expansion of Macedonian hegemony throughout Greece and Thrace.

Veera Ballala II

Initially, for gaining control over Gangavadi and Tagadur controlled by the Cholas, Ballala II attacked the forces of Kulothunga Chola III, who had continued Chola hegemony over the provinces of Gangavadi, Kolar in the Kannada country.

Yi Sam-pyeong

The hegemony was reaffirmed in 1917 when a monument titled "Monument for the Father of Porcelain Yi Sam-pyeong" was built in Sueyama Shrine of Arita.

Zohar Argov

Some believe that the great popularity of Argov and other Mizrahi singers of his time, among them Avihu Medina, Haim Moshe and Margalit Tzan'ani, was a response to the widespread sense among Mizrahi Jews in Israel that they were being discriminated against by the Ashkenazi hegemony.

see also