a Herder, a worker who lives a possibly semi-nomadic life, caring for various domestic animals
The first people to permanently settle at this place, then only known under its Khoikhoi name ǃAutsawises, were a group of Khoi herder clans from the Cape Province, driven across the Orange River by encroaching European settlers and the law enforcement of the Dutch East India Company.
A bot herder usually uses a pseudonym to keep themselves anonymous, and may use proxy servers, shell accounts and bouncers to conceal their IP address thus maintaining anonymity.
The band's unusual name was inspired by Cædmon, an Anglo-Saxon cow-herder who lived during the 7th century.
Schwan's bookstore and home were centers of literary life in Mannheim, where luminaries such as Lessing, Wieland, Herder, Goethe, Lenz, Schubart and Schiller were occasional visitors.
In 1964 Fennell moved with wife and son to Freiburg, Germany, as assistant editor of Herder Correspondence, the English-language version of Herder-Korrespondenz; a Catholic journal of theology, philosophy and politics which played a leading "progressive" role during the Second Vatican Council.
J. J. Griesbach (Commentatio, 1794) treated this as the first of three source theories as solutions to the synoptic problem, following (1) the traditional Augustinian utilization hypothesis, as (2) the original gospel hypothesis or proto-gospel hypothesis, (3) the fragment hypothesis (Koppe 1793); and (4) the oral gospel hypothesis or tradition hypothesis (Herder 1797).
The murder of August von Kotzebue by Karl Sand, however, shocked him out of his revolutionary views, and from this time he tended, under the influence of the writings of Hamann and Herder, more and more in the direction of conservatism and romanticism.
The latter was the unsystematized philosophy of general culture which we find in the work of the great writers of the classical period, Lessing, Winckelmann, Goethe, Schiller and Herder.
In 1772 Herder published Treatise on the Origin of Language and went further in this promotion of language than his earlier injunction to "spew out the ugly slime of the Seine. Speak German, O You German".
During the preceding years he had imbibed certain ideas from Lessing's and Herder's writings, which he could not reconcile with the Christian faith.
According to the director of the museum in Gaoua which is considered to be the capital of the Lobi, "The Lobi is a farmer, a hunter and a herder, but above all he is a warrior".
Henri de Lubac, Augustinianism and Modern Theology (Herder & Herder) ISBN 0-8245-1802-0 This has a treatment of Baius's theology, especially his interpretations of Augustine and his relationship to Jansenius and Jansenism.
Den Herder chose Central College at Pella, Iowa, because of its reputation for education in sciences and its affiliation with the Reformed Church in America.