Among the species he described is Onychiopsis elongata, a fossil fern of the Dicksoniaceae family, from the Jurassic period.
Hermann Theodor Geyler (January 15, 1835 at Schwarzbach - 22 March 1889 at Frankfurt-am-Main) was a German botanist, specializing in paleobotany.
Hermann Göring | Hermann Hesse | Theodor Fontane | Theodor Mommsen | Hermann von Helmholtz | Hermann Nitsch | Theodor Herzl | Hermann Hauser | Hermann Bondi | Carl Theodor Dreyer | Hermann Zapf | Thomas Theodor Heine | Theodor Boveri | Hermann Tilke | Hermann Emil Fischer | Walther Hermann Richard Horn | Theodor Meynert | Robert Hermann Schomburgk | Otto Hermann Kahn | Hermann Volrath Hilprecht | Hermann Scherchen | Hermann-Paul | Hermann Kesten | Hermann | Fallschirm-Panzer Division 1 Hermann Göring | Theodor Storm | Theodor Loos | Theodor Leschetizky | Theodor Kittelsen | Theodor Eimer |