
5 unusual facts about Hermann and Dorothea

Arthur von Ramberg

His subsequent productions include “The Court of Frederick II in Palermo”; and, among his genres, most notable are his “Hermann and Dorothea” after Goethe; and “Luise,” after the poem of Johann Heinrich Voss, which latter was much admired for its brilliancy in design and execution.

Carl Johann Steinhauser

Today he is best known for his Bremen memorials to Heinrich Wilhelm Matthäus Olbers and Johann Smidt, his Weimer sculpture of Goethe mit der Psyche, and his Hermann and Dorothea in Karlsruhe.

Franz Ludwig Catel

He began his artistic career by carving in wood, and then designed book illustrations, including, in 1799, ten plates for Goethe's Hermann and Dorothea.

Hermann and Dorothea

Goethe's work is set around 1792 at the beginning of the French Revolutionary Wars, when French forces under General Custine invaded and briefly occupied parts of the Palatinate.

Ewald Eiserhardt, who reviews this work for Encyclopedia Americana, cites the serene flow of presentation, the masterly descriptions of landscape and home, the plastic vigor of the main figures, the balance of color, all as rendering Hermann and Dorothea a great work of literary art.

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