Archaeologist Eudald Carbonell i Roura of the Universidad Rovira i Virgili in Tarragona, Spain and palaeoanthropologist Juan Luis Arsuaga Ferreras of the Complutense University of Madrid discovered Homo antecessor remains at the Gran Dolina site in the Sierra de Atapuerca, east of Burgos.
Homo sapiens | Homo erectus | Jocko Homo | Homo floresiensis | Homo | Novus homo | Homo heidelbergensis | Homo habilis | Homo (genus) | Reconstruction of ''Homo floresiensis'' by John Gurche, National Museum of Natural History | Homo sapiens (documentary) | Homo rhodesiensis | Homo mermanus | Homo Homini Award | Homo Erectus (film) | Homo Erectus | homo | Ecce Homo | Ecce homo |