
3 unusual facts about Hornsea

Dearne Valley

Several of these former railways are now part of the Trans Pennine Trail between Southport and Hornsea.


Adrian Rawlins, the actor best known for playing Arthur Kidd in The Woman in Black (1989) and James Potter in the Harry Potter films currently lives in Hornsea.

PS Publishing

PS Publishing is a Hornsea based publisher founded in 1999 by Peter Crowther.


Hornsea |

Arras culture

Other sites of similar La Tene period burials within the Arras culture, often with chariot burials include: Cawthorn Camps, Pexton Moor, Seamer, Hunmanby, Burton Fleming, Danes Graves, Garton, Wetwang, Middleton on the Wolds, Beverley and Hornsea.


Bettison's Folly, tower in Hornsea, East Riding of Yorkshire, England

Boulder clay

A classic example of boulder clay can be seen at the rapidly eroding cliffs of Hornsea, situated along the Holderness coast in East Yorkshire.

No. 251 Squadron RAF

No. 251 Squadron RAF was first formed in August 1918 from Nos. 504, 505, 506 and 510 (Special Duty) Flights based at Hornsea but operating from Atwick, Greenland Top and Owthorne.

The Shipwrecked Fishermen and Mariners' Royal Benevolent Society

From 1851 until 1854 it operated lifeboats at Lytham, Rhyl, Portmadoc, Tenby, Llanelly, Teignmouth, Hornsea and Newhaven but it was subsequently agreed that it would be wiser if one organisation concentrated on rescuing lives at sea while the other helped the survivors or their bereaved families ashore, so in 1854 the Society transferred its lifeboats to the RNLI.

see also