
unusual facts about Hospitality industry

Lackawanna College

Physical Therapist Assistant, Hospitality, Culinary and Ecological Sustainability are new programs that were added recently at the Lake Region Center.

see also

Lisa Scaffidi

She served as an air hostess with TAA in 1980, worked in the hospitality industry in a marketing capacity and, in the 1990s, helped to promote export of semi-precious stones.

Meng Xuenong

In 1986 he was transferred to senior posts in the hospitality industry, briefly serving as General Manager of the Beijing Hotel group.

US Microbics

Robinson’s application of microbic technology for the hospitality industry ranged from the pioneering cleanout of the fuel holding tanks on the RMS Queen Mary during its "transplant" as a Long Beach tourist attraction in the 70’s, to the grease trap maintenance for odor and grease buildup at the world famous Pea Soup Anderson Restaurant (in Buellton, California), to the Buellton Wild Animal Park’s odor and runoff control.