
unusual facts about INHERENT


Those universities are the University of Indonesia, the Bandung Institute of Technology, the Institute Technology Sepuluh November, Gadjah Mada University and the Diponegoro University.


Together with Superman, the three saved Mexico and the world from total destruction at the hands of a bio-terrorist group led by a Mexican sorcerer named Duran, who was trying to channel the powers inherent in the ley lines of Earth.

Amerind peoples

Use of the term is intended to avoid the confusion inherent in using "Indian", which can also refer to inhabitants of India.

Animal instinct

Instinct, the inherent disposition of a living organism toward a particular behavior


Pierre Bourdieu's essay "The Field of Cultural Production" depicts the publishing industry as a "space of literary or artistic position-takings," also called the "field of struggles," which is defined by the tension and movement inherent among the various positions in the field.

Battle of Deorham

The military historian Lieutenant-Colonel Alfred Burne, employing his theory of 'Inherent Military Probability' opted for a simpler explanation for the battle than Clair-Baddeley.


The adventures of Thor Heyerdahl, in proving that travel between Polynesia and South America, as chronicled in the book Kon Tiki, is a testament to the inherent stability (even when made up of bundles of river reeds) of the catamaran design.

Ben Newman

His unique and natural cinematic style combined with his inherent ability to capture the essence of youth and contemporary culture on screen has made him a director for artists like MIA, Wiley, Roots Manuva, DJ Fresh, Chase & Status and global brands including Nike, Sony, Lucozade, O2, Adidas, Smart Car and ASOS.

Christopher Hartley

In a letter to the directors of Tate & Lyle dated July 10, 2009, he asserted that human rights violations continue in the Dominican Republic, which include "daily and systematic disregard for fundamental human dignity in the forms of “statelessness” (and its inherent lack of civil liberties), human trafficking, extreme poverty, child labor, racial discrimination, lack of education and healthcare, and general squalor.

Criticism of science

Feminist scholars and female scientists such as Emily Martin, Evelyn Fox Keller, Ruth Hubbard, Londa Schiebinger and Bonnie Spanier have critiqued science because they believe it presents itself as objective and neutral while ignoring its inherent gender bias.


The 2009 Yamaha YZF-R1 motorcycle uses the crossplane crankshaft and, in the absence of the 90° bank angle of the V8, must use a separate balance shaft geared off the crankshaft to eliminate the inherent rocking vibration (primary rocking couples) found in this type of crank.

Curtiss Model H

With Royal Navy Lieutenant Commander John Cyril Porte as Chief Test Pilot, development and testing of the two prototypes proceeded rapidly, despite the inevitable surprises and teething troubles inherent in new engines, hull and fuselage.

Development of a Bottle in Space

Donald Kuspit, Professor of Art and Philosophy, Ph.D, University of Michigan, theorizes that the sculpture’s rhythmic movement suggests a more sexual connotation that is “inherent rather than imposed.”

Differential nonlinearity

Differential linearity is desirable and is inherent to a system such as a single-slope analog-to-digital convertor used in nuclear instrumentation.

Doubleday Field

On January 29, 2008, Major League Baseball announced that the final Hall of Fame Game would be played on June 16, 2008 between the Chicago Cubs and San Diego Padres, citing "the inherent challenges" of scheduling teams in the modern day as the reason for ending the annual contest.

Duenos Inscription

has proposed to interpret the inscription as a primitive form of matrimonial coemptio different from that presented in Gaius, consisting in a cumulative acceptance that included both the legal aspects concerning the transmission of the dotal assets and the religious ones inherent in the matrimonial cults and rites.

Dunne D.1

Designed by Lieutenant J.W. Dunne, who was working with Samuel Franklin Cody on man-lifting kites at the Army Balloon Factory, the Dunne D.1 was a biplane glider whose design embodied Dunne's ideas about achieving inherent stability in an aircraft, which he had developed during two years of experimentation with models.

Effie: Just Quietly

Effie is a suburban Greek Australian hair goddess, who naively interrogates the inherent and often ludicrous contradictions in Australians' everyday attitudes and prejudices.


Many noted health professionals, including Dr. Otis Brawley (author of "How We Do Harm: A Doctor Breaks Ranks About Being Sick In America", and currently (as of August 2012) both chief medical officer and executive vice president of the American Cancer Society), have expressed the view that this improvement in efficacy is due to the dose of esomeprazole recommended for therapy rather than any inherent superiority of esomeprazole.

Glenn T. Morris

Morris has said that the purpose of the protests is to expose the racism inherent to the Discovery Doctrine and the celebration of Christopher Columbus as a state and national hero.

Horae Apocalypticae

that the difference in language between the Gospel of John and the Apocalypse was inherent in the different nature of the books and didn't show that different authors were involved.

Interim order

Such orders can be passed either under the Specific Relief Act passed by the Parliament of India in 1963 or in terms of Section 151 of the Civil Procedure Code of 1908, which recognises and retains some inherent powers with the civil courts.

Irish constitutional referendums, 2011

The Supreme Court of Ireland found the Oireachtas did not have an inherent power to conduct inquiries, and that it overstepped its jurisdiction when it set up the Abbeylara inquiry into the shooting of John Carthy in Abbeylara, County Longford, in 2000.


Being located well away from any heavily populated areas and their inherent light pollution, Kyneton is also a destination for astronomers seeking a clear view of the Southern Hemisphere night skies.

Lean laboratory

If this is not inherent in the order in which samples arrive, then the samples are taken from an incoming queue according to customer demand and thereafter processed in FIFO order with no overtaking.


Due to the inherent dangers of entering a live minefield to manually arm the backup fuses on a charge that could still detonate at any moment, possibly while under enemy fire as well, the act is jokingly referred to as the "Medal of Honor run".


More recent work, starting with that of John Gallagher and Ronald Robinson in the 1950s, has questioned the traditional definition, positing instead that the two were mutually constituitive and maintaining that despite the apparent temporal inconsistencies inherent in their separate existences, each formed simultaneously in relation to the other.


The midwoofer-tweeter-midwoofer loudspeaker configuration (called MTM, for short) was created by Joseph D'Appolito as a way of correcting the inherent lobe tilting of a typical mid-tweeter (MT) configuration, at the crossover frequency, unless time-aligned.

Mitigated speech

Mitigated speech is a linguistic term describing deferential or indirect speech inherent in communication between individuals of perceived High Power Distance which has been in use for at least two decades with many published references.


Nabto is known for developing an IoT communication platform, which uses P2P and distributed technology to solve the inherent challenges of IoT.


Some system architects (e.g. Andrew S. Tanenbaum, the architect of the Amoeba distributed operating system) have suggested that this property of access to memory implying access to capabilities is not an inherent problem.


Eliminating the relational Join operations inherent in a relational database gives Objectivity/DB a marked performance advantage.

Papier d'Arménie

The "alchemy" inherent in Papier d'Arménie became a huge success with the emerging importance of hygiene from 1888–1889, and has been steadily produced in Montrouge, France since 1885.

Plant disease resistance

Plants in both natural and cultivated populations carry inherent disease resistance, but there are numerous examples of devastating plant disease impacts (see Irish Potato Famine, Chestnut blight), as well as recurrent severe plant diseases (see Rice blast, Soybean cyst nematode, Citrus canker).


The sect, despite the self-extinction inherent in its own philosophy, was considered heretical and persecuted in the 1180-1190s by Archbishop William of Rheims.

Sergey Yablonsky

Yablonsky and his students were ones of the first in the world to raise the issues of potentially inherent unavoidability of the brute force search for some problems, the precursor of the P = NP problem, though Gödel's letter to von Neumann, dated 20 March 1956 and discovered in 1988, may have preceded them.

Subornation of perjury

The practice of ″horse shedding the witness″ (rehearsing testimony) is an example of such perjurious criminal conduct by an attorney, which is depicted in the true-crime novel Anatomy of a Murder (1958), by Robert Traver, and in the eponymous film (Otto Preminger, 1959), about a rape-and-murder case wherein are explored the ethical and legal problems inherent to the subornation of perjury.


Due to the inherent modular nature of a MVC framework, this means the actual feature set of TangoCMS can be fine-tuned to specific needs, as modules can be disabled and enabled easily through the AdminCP.

Tara Maclay

Buffy scholar Ian Shuttleworth writes that Benson was able to "admirably" portray the same range of emotions inherent in Tara although the character loses her identity.

The Rule of Names

Yevaud had turned himself into a human being for the purpose of hiding, like Ged turned into a bird in A Wizard of Earthsea and Festin into a fish in "The Word of Unbinding", and there is no suggestion that being human was in any way an inherent nature for him.

Thomas J. Barrett

The Administrator directs the agency's national program for protecting against risks to life and property inherent in the transportation of hazardous materials in commerce and the transportation of liquid, natural gas, petroleum, and other hazardous liquids by pipeline.

Tom Regan

Regan points out that we routinely ascribe inherent value, and thus the right to be treated with respect, to humans who are not rational, including infants and the severely mentally impaired.

Unholy Wars

The book presents a systematic account of U.S. policies and alliances, during the period 1979-89 vis-à-vis the Middle East, the flaws and the lacunae inherent in US handling of the affairs, and their contribution into the emergence of a form of terrorism which continues to affect several regions of the World.


Ralph Ellison uses the term in Invisible Man with regard to the pathos inherent in the singing of spirituals: "...beneath the swiftness of the hot tempo there was a slower tempo and a cave and I entered it and looked around and heard an old woman singing a spiritual as full of Weltschmerz as flamenco."

Wiel Coerver

By analysing videotapes of various great players including Pelé, he devised a new concept in football which advocates that skill could not only be inherent with the young players but could also be passed on in a comprehensive academic way.

William Delafield Arnold

In 1853, William published a novel of Anglo-Indian life, Oakfield; or, Fellowship in the East, which explores the inherent "common ground" between spiritual traditions East and West, while also predicting the "mutiny" that would occur shortly after.

see also