Interstate 75 | Interstate 90 | Interstate 5 | Interstate 94 | Interstate 81 | Interstate 80 | Interstate 70 | Interstate 40 | Interstate 95 | Interstate 10 | Interstate 65 | Interstate 64 | Interstate 44 | Interstate 90 in Minnesota | Interstate 71 | Interstate 35 | Interstate 15 | Interstate 476 | Interstate 78 | Interstate Highway System | Interstate 85 | Interstate 74 | Interstate 294 | Interstate 20 | Interstate Commerce Commission | Interstate 87 | Interstate 55 | Interstate 471 | Interstate 287 | Interstate matches in Australian rules football |
The format of this channel can be compared to the traffic channels provided by XM Radio and Sirius Satellite Radio, the commercial all-traffic station CHMJ in Vancouver, Canada, or the "Highway Advisory radio stations" (the low power AM stations near points along Interstate highways in the United States).
With very rare exceptions (such as County Route 537), the 500 series follows the rule of cardinal direction used for Interstate Highways and U.S. Routes: even-numbered roads run east and west, while odd-numbered roads run north and south.
East–west routes tend to be numbered with the lowest numbers in the northern part of the state and the highest numbers in the southern part of the state, also like the Interstate Highways and U.S. Routes.
The State of Texas ordered a political police dragnet across the Federal Interstate Highways of Texas in an attempt to stop Democratic legislators from reaching sanctuary in another state or inside of Texas on property solely operated by the US Federal Government like Big Bend National Park on the Rio Grande.
But the Federal Highway Administration repeatedly refused safe passage, and offered to cooperate with the Texas Rangers in arresting the legislators on the Federal Interstate Highways of Texas.
The city is sliced by three major interstate highways, I-71, I-74 and I-75, and circled by a beltway several miles out from the city limits.