
4 unusual facts about Italian campaigns of the French Revolutionary Wars

Italian Campaign

Italian campaigns of the French Revolutionary Wars, led by Napoleon Bonaparte between 1796–1797 and 1800

Italian campaigns of the French Revolutionary Wars

The commanders on the front were unhappy about this decision, but appeals were interrupted by the overthrow of the Committee of Public Safety and its leader, Maximilien de Robespierre (28 July 1794).

In this counter-attack Desaix was killed, but Bonaparte later honoured him with monuments commemorating his bravery and his name has the place of honour on the face of the Arc de Triomphe, which was erected to celebrate Napoleon's victories.

Joseph Sulkowski

A fine strategist, he played an important role in the first Italian campaign.

Jean-Baptiste Broussier

With his cousin Nicolas Broussier as his aide de camp, he continued to serve with distinction in Italy until 1803, during which time he was made commander of the place de Paris.

see also