
unusual facts about Jabal

Abdullah Fa'izi ad-Daghestani

In 1943 he moved to a house on Jabal Qasioun mountain, a house that was bought by his first Syrian murid and later khalifah, Shaykh Husayn Ifrini.

Adib Shishakli

On 27 September 1964, Shishakli was assassinated at Ceres, Brazil by Nawaf Ghazaleh, a Syrian Druze who sought revenge for his parents who had died leaving him an orphan during the bombardments of Jabal Druze.

Afrotropic ecozone

Some of the notable are Jabal Bura', Jabal Raymah, and Jabal Badaj in the Yemeni highland escarpment, and the seasonal forests in eastern Yemen and the Dhofar region of Oman.

Biblical Mount Sinai

Advocates for Jabal al-Lawz include Lennart Möller (a Swedish professor in environmental medicine) and also Ron Wyatt and Bob Cornuke.

Christians in the Persian Gulf

Christian sites have been discovered dating from that time until after the advent of Islam in the region at Failaka, Kharg, Jubail/Jubayl and the nearby settlements of Thaj, al-Hinnah and Jabal Berri, and Sir Bani Yas.

Dead Cities

Many other sites and dead cities in the area are located at various distances around Aleppo and Idlib: Serjilla, Ebla, Bara, Qalb Loze Basilica, Baqirha Byzantine Church, Deir Mishmish Church, Benastur Monastery, Deir Amman churches, Sargible settlement, Tell A'de Church and Monastery and other settlements found in Jabal Halaqa region.


Many ancient Hebraic names that have not been found in other Near Eastern languages have been reported to occur in similar forms in Eblaite (Adamu, H’à-wa, Jabal, Abarama, Bilhah, Ishma-el, Isûra-el, Esau, Mika-el, Mikaya, Saul, David, et al.

Geography of Bahrain

4) Eocene limestone covering most of the island, the central region of which, known as “Jabal Dukhār “Mountain of Smoke”, rises to a point 439 feet above sea level.

Geography of Syria

Eastward, the line of al-Ansariyah mountains is separated from the Jabal az Zawiyah range and the plateau region by the Al Ghab valley, a fertile, irrigated trench crossed by the meandering Orontes River.

Jabal al-Nour

Jabal al-Nour (also Jabal an-Nur or Jabal Nur),which can be translated from Arabic(جبل النور),"The Mountain of Light", or "Hill of Illumination",is a mountain near Mecca in Saudi Arabia's Hejaz region.

Since this is where the Prophet received the first verses of the Quran(the Muslim holy book), the mountain was giving the title "Jabal-al-Nour".


Marjeyoun is on a hill facing Mount Hermon to the East, Beaufort Castle, the 1000-year-old Crusader Castle above the Litani River and overlooking Mount Amel (Jabal Amel) to the West, the summits of Rihan and Niha and the rest of the Mount Lebanon range to the North and the fertile plains of Marjeyoun that extend southward into the Galilee plains and the Golan Heights.

Markazi Province

By the early 10th century, Khorheh had become a famous city of Jabal province, followed by Tafresh and Khomein.


On this ground, the Georgian historian Ivane Javakhishvili (1950) considered Tabal, Tubal, Jabal and Jubal to be an early Kartvelian tribal designation.

White Nile

The river continues north to Nimule, where it enters South Sudan and becomes known as the Bahr al Jabal ('Sea of the Mountain', possibly from Nahr al Jabal, 'River of the Mountain').

The Bahr al Jabal passes through Juba, the capital of South Sudan, which is the southernmost navigable point on the Nile river system, and then to Kodok, the site of the 1898 Fashoda Incident that marked an end to the 'Scramble for Africa'.

Bahr al Jabal was the former name of the state of Central Equatoria.

see also