
3 unusual facts about Javanese

Chef Wan

In an interview in February 2010, Chef Wan highlighted that he is of mixed ancestry; his father has Riau Malay and Javanese ancestry while his mother is of Nyonya and Japanese descent.


Priyayi (former spelling: Prijaji) was the Dutch era class of the nobles of the Robe nobility, as opposed to royal nobility or bangsawan (Indonesian) or ningrat (Javanese), in Java, Indonesia's most populous island.

The honorific Raden is related to the Malagasy noble titles of Randriana or Andriana, both of which are derived from the word "Rahadyan" (Ra-hadi-an), meaning "Lord" or "Master" in Old Javanese.

Aceh War

Following the Dutch transfer of sovereignty to Indonesia in August 1949, many Acehnese became dissatisfied with the policies of the Javanese-dominated central government in Jakarta and began agitating for autonomy.

Annabel Teh Gallop

Dr. Annabel, in association with Bernard Arps, who is a lecturer in Indonesian and Javanese at London University's School of Oriental and African Studies, has contributed a ground-breaking book on Indonesian art, under the name Golden Letters: Writing Traditions of Indonesia and Surat Emas: Budaya Tulis di Indonesia.

Babi ngepet

The association of boar or pig with magic concerning fortune probably originated from Javanese pre-Islamic and pre-Hindu-Buddhist beliefs that associate the boar or pig with domestic richness, fortune and prosperity, similar to its connections with ancient Javanese piggy bank.

Banjar people

The division of Banjar people into 3 ethnicities is based on the locations of the assimilation between the Malays, the local Dayaks (Dayak Bukit, Dayak Ma’anyan, Dayak Lawangan, Dayak Ngaju, Dayak Barangas, and Bakumpai), and the Javanese.


Besides Sundanese, Javanese and Betawi dialect, Indonesian language is also widely spoken especially by other ethnic immigrants from other parts of Indonesia especially in urban centers.

Banyumas Regency

The language of Banyumasan is of Austronesian origin, and is usually considered to be a dialect of Javanese.

Betawi people

They have a culture and language distinct from the surrounding Sundanese and Javanese.

Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park

There are also some wooden plants such as cemara (Casuarina junghuhniana), mentinggi gunung (Vaccinium varingifolium), kemlandingan gunung (Albizia lophantha), acacia bark (Acacia decurrens) and bottom plants such as Javanese Edelweiss or Senduro (Anaphalis longifongila and Anaphalis javanica), (Imperata cylindrica, Pteris sp.

Bubur ketan hitam

Slightly different names may be used in different regions of Indonesia, such as ketan item in Javanese areas, and bubur injun or injin in Bali.

Bujangga Manik

It displays a marked influence from Javanese but does not contain one word which is tracable to Arabic, the language of Islam.


Calon Arang, mythological character from Javanese and Balinese folklore

Cultivation System

R.E. Elson has argued that the cultivation system directly contributed to the impoverishment of Javanese peasants but indirectly improved their standard of living.

Dalem Ketut

According to the 18th-century chronicle Babad Dalem, Dalem Ketut was the youngest son of the immigrant Javanese Sri Aji Kresna Kepakisan, who was established as Majapahit vassal after the Javanese conquest of Bali in 1343.

Dalem Ketut was a king (Dalem) of Bali who ruled at an uncertain time during the age of the Javanese Majapahit Empire (1293-c. 1527).

David Chotjewitz

From 1992 to 1994, he studied with the Javanese dance and performance teacher, Suprapto Suryodarmo in Java - see Amerta Movement.

Demographics of Suriname

Dutch (official), Sranan Tongo (Surinamese, sometimes called Taki-Taki, is native language of Creoles and much of the younger population), Hindustani (Hindi-Urdu), Javanese, English (widely spoken), French due to cultural influence from French Guiana, Portuguese and Spanish.

Dewa Cawu

He belonged to a dynasty that claimed descent from the Hindu-Javanese Majapahit Empire, and kept its palace (puri) in Gelgel near Bali's south coast.

East Java

Native minorities include migrants from nearby Madura, and distinct Javanese ethnicities such as the Tengger people in Bromo, the Samin and the Osing people in Banyuwangi.

East Sumatra revolution

The Javanese, the third-largest group at this time, were perceived by the Malays to have a lower social status than themselves.

Fossilized affixes in Austronesian languages

Li and Tsuchida (2009) lists various fossilized reflexes of Proto-Austronesian infixes *-al-, *-aR-, and *-aN- in all major Formosan languages as well as Tagalog and Javanese.

Gordon Bishop

In Yogyakarta he met his wife-to-be, Nanies Siti Ahadiah Suryodiprodjo, a Javanese lady with royal blood who was performing Javanese dance during Indonesia's independence day.

Helen Gifford

Gifford composes for stage, orchestra, chamber ensemble and solo instruments, often incorporating elements of Balinese and Javanese music.

Houen Houei

Houen Houei was a Javanese man, who, at the beginning of the 1st century CE, brought with him the cult of Vishnu to Champa.

Indonesian Canadian

An Indonesian Catholic congregation, the Ummat Katholik Indonesia, has been meeting in the Toronto area since 1979; it was first headed by a Dutch priest who had previously lived in Indonesia, and later by a Javanese theology student from the University of Toronto.

Javanese cuisine

However Javanese cuisine, especially along pesisir (coastal) Javan cities, often demonstrated foreign influences, such as Chinese influences in Semarang, Yogyakarta and Cirebon dishes, Indian and Arab influences in Surabaya, Lamongan, and Gresik, and also European influences in Solo.

Javanese name

After the advent of Islam, many Javanese used Arabic names, especially among clerics and the northern coast population, where Islamic influence is strong.


Despite absorbing Indian influences from Gupta and Amaravati arts, to Southern India Pallava influences, Javanese Sailendran art in return influenced the art and aesthethic of the Southeast Asian region.

In early classical period, during Eastern Java Medang kingdom in 10th-century, saw the expansion of Javanese influence to Bali.

The example of this process is the adoptions of large numbers of sanskrit loanwords into old Javanese, and the Javanization of Indian Hindu epics such as Ramayana and Mahabharata into Javanese version, and incorporating local deities such as Semar and Punakawan into their Wayang Purwa stories.

Jayavarman II

Jayavarman II is widely regarded as the king that set the foundation of the Angkor period in Cambodian history, beginning with the grandiose consecration ritual conducted by Jayavarman II (reign 790-850) in 802 on sacred Mount Mahendraparvata, now known as Phnom Kulen, to celebrate the independence of Kambuja from Javanese dominion.

Kakawin Ramayana

One of the many major changes is the inclusion of the all-powerful Javanese indigenous deity dhayana Guardian God of Java Semar (in Balinese literature known as Twalen) and his misshapen sons, Gareng, Petruk, and Bagong who make up the numerically significant four Punokawan or "clown servants".

Kediri, East Java

After the era of the Javanese kingdoms, Kediri declined as a major city and reduced to become a small rural settlement, and was later annexed by VOC as part of Dutch conquest of Java.

Khmer people

Like the other early peoples of Southeast Asia such as the Pyu, Mon, Cham, Malay and Javanese, the Khmer were influenced by Indian and Sri Lankan traders and scholars, adopting their religions, sciences, and customs and borrowing from their languages.


Another group consists of historical romances, relating the history of Singhasari and Majapahit until about 1360, and the Javanese colony on Bali until 1651.

Kulon Progo Regency

The name stems from the fact that the regency is located to the west (in Javanese "kulon") of the Progo River.

Laura Young

Stefan Soewandi - Guitarworks II (double CD)
CD 1: Zoran Dukic: Träumerei über ein javanisches Volkslied (Reverie on a Javanese Folk-Songs)
CD 1: Siegbert Remberger: Fantasia on a Theme by Tárrega
CD 1: Carlo Marchione: Kamajaya
CD 2: Laura Young: Dewa - Seven Short Etudes
CD 2: Enno Voorhorst: Irrlicht - Sonate
CD 2: The Guitar4mation: Ismaya - Sonatina II for Guitar Quartet
CD 2: Martin Schwarz: Six Studies of a Dream

Legion of Ratu Adil

Westerling sought to preserve the component states of the federal Republic of the United States of Indonesia against what he perceived as the Javanese-dominated unitary Republic of Indonesia led by Sukarno and Hatta.


The NHM took Javanese contract workers from the then Dutch East Indies.

Melayu Kingdom

One theory suggests that it is derived from the Malay/Javanese terms melayu or mlayu (to steadily accelerate or to run), to describe the strong current of a river in Sumatra that today bore the name Sungai Melayu ('Melayu river').

November 1828

During the Java War, when Prince Diponegoro led a general uprising against the Dutch colonial government, the Dutch military occupy a small town in Central Java owing to concerns that they have been collaborating with Sentot Prawirodjo, one of the leaders of the Javanese forces.

Overseas Minangkabau

Hamka, in his novel Merantau to Deli, telling stories about life experiences Minang nomads who went to Deli and married Javanese woman.

Pangasinan literature

The earliest known written records in the Pangasinan language were written in the ancient Pangasinan script, a writing system related to the Tagalog Baybayin script and the Javanese Kavi script.


Similar rice goddesses also can be found in other Asian countries such as Dewi Sri; a Javanese, Sundanese, and Balinese rice, agriculture and fertility goddess in Indonesia, and Khmer Po Ino Nogar; the rice goddess of Cambodia.


The American sociologist, Clifford Geertz, identified three main cultural streams (aliran in Indonesian) in Javanese society.


In Javanese the term is said to derive either from "Sailendra", the name of the ruling family in the eighth and ninth centuries when Borobudur was built, or from its earlier being given by the god Sang Hyang Hendra.

South Sulawesi Campaign

Westerling ordered the registration of all Javanese arriving in Makassar due to the large numbers of Javanese participating in the Sulawesi resistance.


The full title of the Susuhunan in Javanese is Sampeyan Dalem ingkang Sinuhun Kanjeng Susuhunan Prabhu Sri Paku Buwana Senapati ing Alaga Ngabdulrahman Sayidin Panatagama (His Exalted Majesty, The Susuhunan, King Paku Buwana, Commander-in-chief in war, Servant of the Most Gracious, Caliph who safeguards the Religion)


Sutomo was born in Kampung Blauran in the centre of Surabaya to a clerk father, Kartawan Tjiptowidjojo, and mother of mixed Javanese, Sundanese and Madurese descent.

see also