
unusual facts about Joachim I, Elector of Brandenburg

Casimir, Margrave of Brandenburg-Bayreuth

When Elector Joachim I of Brandenburg visited Kulmbach during his journey to Augsburg and wanted to plead for the release of Frederick I, he was denied access to the Plassenburg.

Ernest I, Prince of Anhalt-Dessau

#Joachim I, Prince of Anhalt-Dessau (b. Dessau, 7 August 1509 - d. Dessau, 6 December 1561).

Sceptrum Brandenburgicum

Sceptrum Brandenburgicum (or Sceptrum Brandenburgium – Latin for scepter of Brandenburg) was a constellation created in 1688 by Gottfried Kirch, astronomer of the Prussian Royal Society of Sciences.

Theodor von Strattman

Initially he served the Elector of Brandenburg, and later was at the court of the Elector Wilhelm von der Pfalz-Neuburg, (Palatinate) where he held the position of vice chancellor (Vicekanzler).

see also