
unusual facts about Johann Tserclaes, Count of Tilly

Bad Wimpfen

This religious conflict soon got less important, since troops of imperial Johann Tserclaes fought against the army of Margrave Georg Friedrich in 1622 nearby the town.

Johann Tserclaes, Count of Tilly

"Count Tilly" besieged and captured Münden on 30 May 1626, whereupon local and refugee Protestant ministers were thrown into the river Werra, but could not lay a siege to Kassel.

A sister, or daughter, Albertina, of this Prince Antonio Octavio, would be the first root for the Spanish ducal title, Dukes of Tserclaes, bestowed in July 1856 by Queen Isabella II of Spain to members of the Guzmán, Pérez de Guzmán, family, living in Jerez and Seville, Spain.

While attempting to prevent the Swedish from crossing into Bavaria over the Lech near the Rain am Lech, he was wounded by a cannonball early in the Battle of Rain and died of tetanus fifteen days later in Ingolstadt at the age of 73 on 30 April 1632.

see also