National Science Foundation | Ford Foundation | Rockefeller Foundation | John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation | Electronic Frontier Foundation | Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation | New York Foundation for the Arts | Mozilla Foundation | Guggenheim Foundation | Alexander von Humboldt Foundation | Andrew W. Mellon Foundation | Wikimedia Foundation | Apache Software Foundation | foundation | Make-A-Wish Foundation | Kellogg's | John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation | Clinton Foundation | Open Software Foundation | Konex Foundation | Foundation series | Kellogg School of Management | Kellogg | Cystic Fibrosis Foundation | Carnegie Foundation | Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation | McKnight Foundation | Japan Foundation | Ingram Merrill Foundation | Helms Foundation College Basketball Player of the Year |
Major contributors included Peter Bing, Peter Kovler, George Soros, David Tabatznik Bristol-Myers Squibb, Coca-Cola Co., Ford Motor Company, Henry Schein Inc., Hewlett Packard, Johnson & Johnson, Kaiser Permanente, Kellogg Foundation, Levi Strauss & Co., Pfizer, the Starr Foundation, and USAID, among many others.
Snyderman's medical work has been widely published in peer reviewed journals, and she has been the recipient of numerous research grants from the American Cancer Society, the Kellogg Foundation, and the American Academy of Otolaryngology.
In 2009, the Seasons Fund for Social Transformation, a funding collaborative of representatives from small to large foundations, including W. W. Kellogg Foundation, Ford Foundation, Hidden Leaf Fund, Fetzer Institute, Jewish Funds for Justice, Seeds of Justice, Unitarian Universalist Veatch Program and small family funds held an inaugural Transformative Leadership Awards and awarded six collaborative teams $30,000 and two finalists $5,000 for their work in the field.