
unusual facts about Kinetic energy

Accumulated cyclone energy

Kinetic energy is proportional to the square of velocity, and by adding together the energy per some interval of time, the accumulated energy is found.

Molecular Hamiltonian

The molecular Hamiltonian is a sum of several terms: its major terms are the kinetic energies of the electrons and the Coulomb (electrostatic) interactions between the two kinds of charged particles.


Molinology (from Latin: molīna, mill; and Greek λόγος, study) is the study of mills or other mechanical devices which use the kinetic energy of moving water or wind to power machines for such purposes as hammering, grinding, pumping, sawing, pressing or fulling.

see also

Amy Records

Paul Simon, (pre-dating Simon & Garfunkel), together with children's music producer and songwriter Bobby Susser, released records in 1961 and 1962 under the names Tico and The Triumphs with "Motorcycle" (Amy 835 charted #97) and Jerry Landis with "Lone Teen Ranger" (Amy 875 charted #99") with little success as did garage band Kinetic Energy with their version of Dale Hawkins 1957 hit "Susie Q" (Amy 11,028) in 1969.

Composite fermion

When electrons are confined to two dimensions, cooled to very low temperatures, and subjected to a strong magnetic field, their kinetic energy is quenched due to Landau level quantization.

Electro-kinetic road ramp

The idea was dismissed as Talk of 'kinetic energy plates' is a total waste of energy in the Guardian by David MacKay, the professor of natural philosophy in the department of Physics at the University of Cambridge.

First Step to Nobel Prize in Physics

In 2012, the first prize winner was another Israeli teenager, Yuval Katzenelson of Kiryat Gat, who presented a paper entitled "Kinetic energy of inert gas in a regenerative system of activated carbon."

Hartree–Fock method

The first is a sum of kinetic energy operators for each electron, the internuclear repulsion energy, and a sum of nuclear-electronic Coulombic attraction terms.

Kinetic Traction Systems

KTS' rail-side device uses a brushless DC motor/generator to spin up the flywheel to store electrical energy (for instance, from regenerative braking on trains) as kinetic energy; later to be converted back to electrical energy on demand.

Unified Framework

# The inertia effect (kinetic energy), which, unlike the stiffness effect (strain energy), of the damage has been neglected by researchers, is included in it.