
unusual facts about Klee


Paul Klee | Ernst Klee |

Abel González Chávez

In 1971, along with Édgar Perea, Fabio Poveda, Jorge Humberto Klee, Chaco Senior and Cheíto Feliciano, he created the Panamericana de la Costa radio station (from the Sutatenza radio station) during the Pan American Games in Cali to broadcast the games for the Colombian Caribbean region.

Bernhard Klee

Bernhard Klee (born April 19, 1936) is a German conductor, originally from Schleiz, in Thuringia.

Bernhard Sprengel

Bernhard Sprengel had already developed a passion for 20th-century art and he had begun a private collection of paintings and sculpture, including works by Picasso, Chagall, Macke, Beckmann, Marc, Klee and Feininger.

Borgia Apartments

The collection includes about 600 accumulated works of painting, sculpture and graphic art; donations of contemporary Italian and foreign artists and includes works by Gauguin, Chagall, Klee, Dalí and Kandinsky.

Bruno Franz Leopold Liebermann

Among his pupils were the future bishops Andreas Räss, Nicolaus von Weis, Johannes von Geissel, and such other distinguished men as Klee, Lüft, Adam Franz Lennig, Franz Xaver Remling, and Nickel.

Ensemble Sortisatio

The Swiss/Austrian Groupe Lacroix (Marianne Schroeder, John Wolf Brennan, Jean-Luc Darbellay, Christian Henking, Michael Schneider, Michael Radanovics and Alfons Karl Zwicker) and Thüring Bräm dedicated 8 Pieces on Paul Klee to the Anniversary of the Central German Broadcasting.


The Eva and Brian Sweeney Collection currently consists of about 500 works by artists such as Monet, Sisley, Pissarro, Klimt, Khnopff, Alma-Tadema, Klee, Kandinsky, Mondrian, Cornell, Rauschenberg, Doig, Zach Houston, Warhol, Close and Estes.

Faceless Hunters

Oregon Highway Patrolmen Bob Colby and Jim Boone are assigned to Mount Rushmore, and confront Klee Pan, who explains that he 'comes from Klaramar - a world revolving within an atom on the planet Saturn' and he is looking for a stone face left on Earth millennia ago which can help prevent Saturn exploding.

Heinrich Klee

Heinrich Klee (Münstermaifeld, Rhine province, 20 April 1800 – Munich, 28 July 1840) was a German theologian and Biblical exegete who argued against liberal and Rationalist currents in Catholic thought.

Hildebrand Gurlitt

A collection of his letters shows that he was personally well acquainted with modern artists at the time, and he acquired and exhibited works by many of them, including Barlach, Feininger, Hofer, Kandinsky, Kirchner, Klee, Kokoschka, Lissitzky, Marc, and Munch.

Jason Wright Wingate

Notable works include the chamber work Landscapes of Consciousness, and the Symphony No. 2: Kleetüden; Variationen für Orchester nach Paul Klee (Variations for Orchestra after Paul Klee), as well as a transcription of Modest Mussorgsky's Pictures at an Exhibition for orchestra, chorus and organ.

Jerome and Evelyn Ackerman

There she was introduced to the German Expressionists, Rembrandt, Cézanne, Klee, and Matisse by her art history professor, Dr. Ernst Scheyer.

Lucretia Van Horn

For four years (1928–32), she and her husband lived in Berkeley, California where she joined various art leagues and worked with prominent artists in the Bay Area, including John Emmett Gerrity, David Park and Galka Scheyer who represented The Blue Four: European abstractionists, Feininger, Kandinsky, Jawlensky and Klee.

Moi Ver

1928 Bauhaus, Dessau, Germany with Paul Klee, Wassily Kandinsky, and Josef Albers

Radon–Riesz property

Although it would appear that Johann Radon was one of the first to make significant use of this property in 1913, M. I. Kadets and V. L. Klee also used versions of the Radon–Riesz property to make advancements in Banach space theory in the late 1920s.

Ruth Judith Klee

Ruth Goslar (October 23, 1901–October 28, 1942), born Ruth Judith Klee, was the mother of Hanneli Goslar, who was a close and best friend of Anne Frank.

Symphony No. 2: Kleetüden

The Symphony No. 2: Kleetüden; Variationen für Orchester nach Paul Klee (Variations for Orchestra after Paul Klee) by Jason Wright Wingate was completed in 2009 and consists of 27 movements, each depicting a painting or drawing by Paul Klee.

Thüring Bräm

As a guest composer, he worked variously at the Hokuto International Music Festival and with the Swiss Groupe Lacroix and the German Ensemble Sortisatio on a CD called “8 Pieces on Paul Klee” in honor to the painter Paul Klee.

Vincent Pepi

The artist's acknowledged sources range from old masters to the Futurists (especially Boccioni and Balla): from Klee and Kandinsky to Matta, Gorky and Pepi's contemporaries.

see also