
9 unusual facts about Last Supper

Church of St. Peter in Gallicantu

Facing the entrance is a bound Jesus being questioned at Caiaphas' palace; on the right Jesus and the disciples are shown dining at the Last Supper; and on the left Peter, considered the first Pope, is pictured in ancient papal dress.

George Bellows

Bellows responded that he had not been aware that Leonardo da Vinci "had a ticket to paint the Last Supper".

José Antonio Burciaga

The students of the dorm filled out a survey about who their heroes were, then Burciaga placed these figures sitting around the table in the traditional image of "The Last Supper." Included in this image were people such as César Chávez, Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz, Ignacio Zaragoza, Che Guevara, Martin Luther King, Jr., and others.

Last Supper

The third major theme is the farewell of Jesus to his disciples, in which Judas Iscariot is no longer present, having left the supper.

Mary Beth Edelson

In 1972 Edelson used an image of Leonardo Da Vinci’s mural to create Some Living Women Artists / Last Supper. She used collage to add notable women artist's heads of the men in the painting, which quickly became "one of the most iconic images of the Feminist Art movement." John the Baptist's head was covered by Nancy Graves and Christ by Georgia O'Keefe.

Ponte Capriasca

The Last Supper in the interior dates from the 16th Century and was modeled on Leonardo da Vinci's Last Supper.

Pope Alexander I

According to the Liber Pontificalis, it was Alexander I who inserted the narration of the Last Supper (the Qui pridie) into the Catholic celebration of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.


It dates from the mid-18th century and contains a painting of the Last Supper by Janez Wolf (1825–1884) and frescoes by Matija Bradaška (1852–1915).


The city is also home to processions such as the Encounter that show the Calvary of Christ with religious images, the Unnailed and St. Funeral that show the descent of the Cross to continue with the procession of St. Funeral, the Last Supper with the pasos of the supper, Horto, Ecce Homo, the Nazarene and the Virgin of the Dolores- Sufferings, the Passion, the Seven Words, the Piety and the Virgin on foot of the Cross, a silent procession.

Cathedral of St. Eunan and St. Columba

The original altar-piece, an Irish carving of Leonardo's Last Supper, is still present in the Cathedral and has been incorporated into the new altar.

Claude Ferdinand Gaillard

Just before his death the government ordered him to engrave Leonardo da Vinci's Last Supper and Mona Lisa.

Clelia Giacobini

The studies enabled the restorers to effectively intervene at Ostia Antica, on the paintings of Assisi Cathedral, on the frescoes of Correggio in Parma, the Scrovegni Chapel in Padua and Leonardo's Last Supper.

Colin Humphreys

In 2011 Humphreys claimed in his book The Mystery of the Last Supper that the Last Supper took place on Wednesday (Holy Wednesday), not as traditionally thought Thursday (Maundy Thursday), and the apparent timing discrepancies (Nisan 15 or 14) between the gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke versus John are rooted in the use of different calendars by the writers, the former group using an older Jewish calendar and the latter a lunar calendar.

Criterion of multiple attestation

The words attributed to Jesus on the bread and wine during the Last Supper (found in Mark, Paul, the Didache and arguably in John) and on divorce (found in Mark and Paul) are examples of sayings that are multiply attested.

Girolamo Bonsignori

He also studied Leonardo da Vinci, and produced excellent copies of some of his works ; in particular, that of the celebrated Last Supper is pronounced by Lanzi the best copy ever made of that miracle of art.

Liturgical Movement

As to the first of these, in his influential book Mysterium Fidei (1921), Maurice de la Taille argued that Christ's sacrifice, beginning from his self-offering at the Last Supper, completed in the Passion and continued in the Mass, were all one act.

Pavel Svedomsky

Working in the St Vladimir's Cathedral in Kiev, Svedosmky painted the northern and southern naves of the cathedral, creating six scenes from the life of Jesus: The Resurrection of Lazarus, The Entry of Christ into Jerusalem, The Last Supper, The Agony in the Garden, The Trial of Pilate, The Crucifixion and The Ascension.

St Peter's Church, Sudbury

In the Lady Chapel the font is carved with a depiction of the Nativity, and the reredos is a copy of Leonardo da Vinci's Last Supper.

see also

Albert Joseph Moore

He executed other important decorative works, like 'The Last Supper' and some paintings for a church at Rochdale, the hall at Claremont, the proscenium of the Queen's Theatre, Long Acre, and a frieze of peacocks for Mr. Lehmann.

Bread and Wine

Eucharist, a sacrament in Christianity that is associated with the Last Supper


1480, a well worked baptismal font furnished with the benefactor's coat of arms and a painting influenced by Lucas Cranach the Elder and Younger which shows a last supper administered by Martin Luther and Philip Melanchthon.

Burton, Wiltshire

The altar is crowned with a late nineteenth century reredos, which is a Doulton terracotta panel of the Last Supper by George Tinworth.

Dikeou Collection

Vik Muniz’s “Last Supper” is a triptych photograph of chocolate syrup, which has been manipulated into a drawing of the “Last Supper”, inspired by the Warhol images of the same subject.

Frederick Thrupp

Thrupp executed the monument to Lady Coleridge at Ottery St. Mary in Devon; the reredos representing the Last Supper in St. Clement's, York; and the monument to Hugh Nicholas Pearson in Sonning Church, Berkshire, in 1883.

Giuditta Pasta

Kemble asked fellow-singer Pauline Viardot what she thought of her voice now and got the reply ‘It is a ruin, but then so is Leonardo’s Last Supper’.

Guillaume Fouace

However, he did not forget the Cotentin - in 1878 he painted 19 canvases of biblical scenes such as the Annunciation, Flight from Egypt and the journey of the Magi for the vaults of the church at Montfarville, while for its choir he painted a copy of Leonardo da Vinci's Last Supper.

Last Supper in Christian art

There are two major scenes shown in depictions of the Last Supper: the dramatic announcement of the betrayal of Jesus, and the institution of the Eucharist.

Loco, Switzerland

The church is also the home of a Last Supper painting by the Flemish painter Godefridus Maes from 1683.


Maundy Thursday – a Christian holiday commemorating the Last Supper

Nelson Villagra

After a period in Europe he went on to Cuba to work with some of the most important South American directors of his time, such as Humberto Solás (La Cantata de Chile) and Tomás Gutiérrez Alea, winning the Best Actor award for his role as 'El Conde' in Gutiérrez Alea's The Last Supper at the 1978 Festival Internacional de Cine de Biarritz.

Origin of the Eucharist

Paul F. Bradshaw argues in Eucharistic Origins that it is not until after the 1st century and much later in some areas that the Eucharist and the Last Supper became placed in a relation of dependence: many Eucharists did not relate to the Paschal mystery and/or the Last Supper.

Pompeo Ghitti

He painted two altarpieces, the Last Supper (1681, 2nd chapel to left) and Glory of St. Carlo Borromeo with the saints Stephen Martyr, Francis of Assisi, Anthony of Padua, & Rocco (1668, 2nd chapel right) for the parrochial church of Santa Maria Assunta in Ghedi.

Sacro Cuore, Florence

There is a stained glass window of the Resurrection by Marcello Avelani, bronze doors and ceramic saints by Angelo Biancini, mosaic Stations of the Cross by Giovanni Haynal, a cruzifix by Umberto Bartoli, a 16th-century Madonna and Child, a Last Supper by Giovanni Stradano and the Apparition of the Sacred Heart by Antonio Ciseri (1880).

San Giovannino dei Cavalieri

Presently it contains a Coronation of the Virgin by Neri di Bicci, a Nativity by Bicci di Lorenzo, an Annunciation by the Master of Stratonice, a Decapitation of St. John the Baptist by Pietro Dandini, vault frescoes by Alessandro Gherardini, a painted cross in the apse by Lorenzo Monaco, and a Last Supper by Palma il Giovane.

Santa Maria del Carmine, Florence

Most of the artworks are therefore fragmentary: these include the Bestowal of the Carmelite Rule by Filippo Lippi and the Last Supper by Alessandro Allori, and remains of works from other chapels by Pietro Nelli and Gherardo Starnina.

St. Barnabas' Episcopal Church, Leeland

The first recorded public art commission in the American colonies, The Last Supper by Gustavus Hesselius, commissioned in October 1721 is displayed on the choir gallery of the church.

Stephen Elmer

He did not confine himself entirely to still life, but occasionally painted genre pictures, such as "The Miser" (engraved by B. Granger), "The Politician" (engraved by T. Ryder), scripture pieces, such as "The Last Supper", formerly over the altar, but now in the vestry of Farnham Church, and portraits.

The Feast in the House of Levi

Monty Python's sketch 28 disciples or The Last Supper about why Michelangelo didn't paint the Last Supper was based on this historic painting.