
unusual facts about Leased line

Leased line

In Hong Kong, leased lines are usually available at speeds of 64k, 128k, 256k, 512k, T1 (channelized or not) or E1 (less common).


The colony is well connected by latest means of communications which includes GSM, WLL, Dialup internet connection, DSL internet connection, and Leased line internet connection.

SMS banking

Depending on the volume of messages that are require to be pushed, means to connect to the SMSC could be different, such as using simple modems or connecting over leased line using low level communication protocols (like SMPP, UCP etc.) Advanced SMS banking solutions also cater to providing failover mechanisms and least-cost routing options.


Westell was founded in October 1980 in Willowbrook, Illinois, and initially produced electronic equipment used for signaling and transmission on telephone lines leased to private customers.

see also