
unusual facts about Leo Maslíah

Leo Maslíah

The Konex Foundation of Argentina awarded him "Merit for humour in literature" in 1994.

see also

Mariana Ingold

Eduardo Mateo, Leo Maslíah, Fernando Cabrera, Jaime Roos, Daniel Viglietti, Rúben Rada, Osvaldo and Hugo Fattoruso, Eduardo Darnauchans, Larbanois-Carrero, Mauricio Ubal, Jorge Schellemberg, Jorge Galemire, Jorge Lazaroff, Rubén Olivera, Lágrima Ríos, Washington Carrasco and Cristina Fernández among others (Uruguay), as well as Tim Rescala (Brasil), Fino Bingert and Latin Lover (Sweden), Litto Nebbia and Quintino Cinelli (Argentina) and Carmen París (Spain).