
2 unusual facts about Liga Veneta

Liga Veneta

In the 1994 general election the LV won 21.6% of the vote in Veneto (the LAV took 3.2%) and three of its members joined Berlusconi I Cabinet: Franco Rocchetta was undersecretary of Foreign Affairs, Mariella Mazzetto of Education and Giovanni Meo Zilio (a former Socialist partisan during Italian resistance), of University and Research.

Piedmontese regional election, 2010

For these reasons Cota, who is a republican and has no nostalgia of the House of Savoy, says his message will do well in Piedmont and that he will overcome the weakness of Lega Piemont (that usually gets far less votes than Liga Veneta in Veneto and Lega Lombarda in Lombardy).

Alliance for Veneto

Massimo Calearo, industrialist and deputy elected for the Democratic Party, launched AdV in April 2010 as a centrist competitor of Liga VenetaLega Nord, the dominant political force in Veneto.

Giorgio Panto

After being a long-time supporter of the Liga VenetaLega Nord, in 2004 he founded a new Venetist and fiscal federalist party called North-East Project (Progetto NordEst, PNE), in which he welcomed many former Leghisti as Ettore Beggiato, Mariangelo Foggiato and Diego Cancian.

Venetian regional election, 1995

Giancarlo Galan (Forza Italia, Pole of Freedoms) was surprisingly elected President of the Region over the centre-left candidate Ettore Bentsik (Italian People's Party), despite the presence of a third candidate, Alberto Lembo (Liga Veneta).

see also

Venetian regional election, 2010

The Venetian PdL is afraid that Liga Veneta, headed by Zaia, will dominate regional politics for many years to come, similarly to what the South Tyrolean People's Party has done in South Tyrol.