At that time, her favorite living pianists were Thelonious Monk and Billy Taylor, which helps to explain why, when Riverside producer Chris Albertson approached her about these recordings, her immediate reaction was, "Who's going to listen to that old stuff?"
Louis Armstrong | Lance Armstrong | Neil Armstrong | George Armstrong Custer | Lil Wayne | Lil' Kim | Armstrong Whitworth | Armstrong | Armstrong College | Gillian Armstrong | John Armstrong | Armstrong Whitworth Whitley | Tim Hardin | Lil' Wayne | Karan Armstrong | Billie Joe Armstrong | Vanessa Bell Armstrong | Tim Armstrong | Robert Armstrong | Lil' Keke | Lil' Jon | Jerry Hardin | Heather Armstrong | Anton Armstrong | Warwick Armstrong | Ty Hardin | Robert Armstrong (actor) | Lil Twist | Kerry Armstrong | John Armstrong (bishop) |