Idealogically, it Kemalist secularism has been described as Leo the Isaurian, Martin Luther, the Baron d’Holbach, Ludwig Büchner, Émile Combes, and Jules Ferry rolled into one.
From 1842 to 1848 he studied physics, chemistry, botany, mineralogy, philosophy and medicine at the University of Giessen, where he graduated in 1848 with a dissertation entitled Beiträge zur Hall'schen Lehre von einem excitomotorischen Nervensystem (Contributions to the Hallerian Theory of an Excitomotor Nervous System).
Barreto was an enthusiast of the German culture, what was inherited to him by his taste of works by Ernst Haeckel and Ludwig Büchner.
Ludwig van Beethoven | Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich | Ludwig I of Bavaria | Ludwig Wittgenstein | Ludwig Leichhardt | Ludwig Tieck | Ludwig Boltzmann | Ludwig | Georg Büchner | Christa Ludwig | Ludwig Mies van der Rohe | Ludwig II of Bavaria | Ludwig Guttmann | Ludwig Feuerbach | Ludwig von Mises | Ludwig Senfl | Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research | Ludwig Bemelmans | Georg Büchner Prize | Robi Ludwig | Ludwig Uhland | Ludwig Traube | Ludwig-Musser | Ludwig Hohlwein | Karl-Ludwig Kratz | Friedrich Ludwig Jahn | Ernst Ludwig Kirchner | Ernst Ludwig Gerber | Eduard Buchner | Ludwig Streicher |
By this time the ideas of Nikolay Stankevich, N. G. Chernyshevsky, Nikolay Dobrolyubov, Pisarev and other Russian revolutionary democrats, the materialistic philosophies of Ludwig Buchner, Karl Vogt, and Jacob Moleschott, and the revolutionary theories of Darwin and Herbert Spencer had gained considerable ground among Serbian intellectuals.