
2 unusual facts about Ludwig von Mises

Comparative economic systems

One of the most important early contributions was the calculation debate regarding the assertion of Ludwig von Mises that a system of central planning could never work because the information generated by a price system would never be available to planners.

The Berlin Batman

In Berlin, Germany in the year 1938, wealthy socialite Baruch Wane learns from his friend Komissar Garten that the police have confiscated the library, works, and notes of Austrian economist Ludwig von Mises, due to his stance against the Nazi Party policy of Adolf Hitler and the Third Reich.

Guillermo Pineda

Taught 75 classes to 732 college and high school students in Guatemala City on the books Not a Zero Sum Game by Manuel Ayau, Economics in One Lesson by Henry Hazlitt, Common * Sense Economics by Charles Murray, Human Action by Ludwig von Mises, The Law by Frederic Bastiat, and dozens more classical fiction books.

Jaap Marais

In his writings and speeches, Marais often referred to Richard Weaver, C.J. Langenhoven, Tobie Muller, James Burnham, Alexis de Tocqueville, Edmund Burke, C.K. Chesterton, Alain de Benoist, Oswald Spengler, Arnold Toynbee, Ludwig von Mises, F.A. von Hayek and Ortega y Gasset.

see also

Benjamin Anderson

He referred to the German edition of Ludwig von Mises's Theory of Money and Credit and wrote: 'In von Mises there seems to me to be very noteworthy clarity and power. His Theorie des Geldes und der Umlaufsmittel is an exceptionally excellent book.

Party of Reason

Dr. Hans-Hermann Hoppe, Professor Emeritus at the University of Nevada; President of the Property and Freedom Society; and Distinguished Fellow at the Ludwig von Mises Institute, USA: "I hope the Party of Reason and my friend Ron Paul in the United States are very successful. That would be very fortunate for Germany and the mindset that prevails there."