His writings include hymns, lives of saints, among them a life of Saint Mansuetus, Bishop of Toul (485-509), a metrical rendering of the second book of the Dialogues of Pope Gregory I, and a tractate De Antichristo or in full Epistola Adsonis ad Gerbergam reginam de ortu et tempore antichristi in the form of a letter to Gerberga of Saxony, wife of Louis IV d'Outremer).
This latter work has been attributed to Rabanus Maurus, Alcuin, and even to St. Augustine, and is quoted by Ignaz von Döllinger among other writings of the medieval conception of Antichrist.
Born of rich and noble parents, he was educated at Luxeuil Abbey, was called to Toul as instructor of the clergy, and made abbot of Moutier-en-Der in 960.
It was developed in the writings of Adso of Montier-en-Der, and was particularly current around the end of the fifteenth century.
Der Spiegel | Der Rosenkavalier | Der Ring des Nibelungen | Rotenburg an der Fulda | Spittal an der Drau | Limburg an der Lahn | Weiden in der Oberpfalz | Dillingen an der Donau | Van der Graaf Generator | Kirchdorf an der Krems | Der Freischütz | Befehlshaber der U-Boote | Serena van der Woodsen | Rothenburg ob der Tauber | Oberkommando der Wehrmacht | Neustadt an der Orla | Neukirch an der Thur | Der Vampyr | Realencyclopädie der Classischen Altertumswissenschaft | Neuberg an der Mürz | Ludwig Mies van der Rohe | Brandenburg an der Havel | Bad Homburg vor der Höhe | Theater an der Wien | Schönenberg an der Thur | Rogier van der Weyden | Neustadt an der Weinstraße | Neumarkt in der Oberpfalz | Neuburg an der Donau | Melissa Auf der Maur |
Constantin Wilhelm Lambert Gloger theorises that dark pigments increase in races of animals living in warm and humid habitats in a work entitled Das Abändern der Vögel durch Einfluss des Klima's
Constantin Wilhelm Lambert Gloger publishes Vollständiges Handbuch der Naturgeschichte der Vögel Europas
For other works said to have been written by al-Hamdānī see G. L. Flügel's Die grammatischen Schulen der Araber (Leipzig, 1862), pp.
Seit 2000 ist dies wieder der Fall, der Bahnhof Ulzburg heißt jetzt Henstedt-Ulzburg.
Ammeldingen an der Our is a municipality in the district of Bitburg-Prüm, in Rhineland-Palatinate, western Germany.
In 1911 von Alfred Wegener published a book "Thermodynamik der Atmosphäre", Leipzig, J. A. Barth.
The first scientific description of the banded houndshark was authored by German biologists Johannes Peter Müller and Friedrich Gustav Jakob Henle, based on a dried specimen from Japan, in their 1838–41 Systematische Beschreibung der Plagiostomen.
Berka/Werra (also Berka an der Werra) is a town in the Wartburgkreis district, in Thuringia, Germany.
The group has its origins in the ensemble brought together for the musical play Veronika, der Lenz ist da - Die Comedian Harmonists (Veronica, Spring Has Come - The Comedian Harmonists), which had its premiere on 19 December 1997 at the Komödie am Kurfürstendamm on the Kurfürstendamm in Berlin.
He had taken the doctorate in 1935 with the thesis Lebenszyklus, Cytologie und Sexualität der Chiorophycee Cladophora Suhriana Kiltzing, on the algae Cladophora.
It was first described by the German painter and mathematician Albrecht Dürer (1471–1528) in his book Underweysung der Messung (S. 38), calling it Ein muschellini.
The publication Der Ruf (The Call) was a popular literary magazine first published in 1945 by Alfred Andersch and edited by Hans Werner Richter.
On the reverse side are the state coat of arms of East Germany, surrounded with the words FÜR DEN SCHUTZ DER ARBEITER- UND-BAUERN- MACHT (FOR THE PROTECTION OF THE WORKERS-AND-FARMERS-POWER) surrounded by two branches of laurel.
The historical dramas with which his name is chiefly associated are Die Hohenstaufen (1837–38), a cyclus of 15 dramatic pieces founded on Friedrich von Raumer's Geschichte der Hohenstaufen, and the trilogy Cromwell (1841–44).
Baldachin-Altäre aus St. Stephan in Wien und aus der Teinkirche zu Prag; oder: wie ist es mit dem Neubaue von Altären zu halten?, In: Organ für christliche Kunst, 7 (1857), Nr. 21, 241–243 u.
In the later part of the same series of discussions (1837), and in his chief work (Die Sagenpoesie der Griechen, 1852), he investigated the structure of the Homeric poems, and their relation to the other epics of the Trojan cycle.
De Stadsdoelen,publication by the Vereniging Haarlem in 1974 on the opening of the new wing of the central library, ediited by C. van der Haar and with a preface by J.J. Temminck, city archivist
It was in these years (1959–1962) that Jauss, along with Erich Köhler, founded a series of medieval texts entitled Grundriß der romanischen Literaturen des Mittelalters (Outline of Romance Literatures of the Middle Ages).
The Earthquake in Chile (Das Erdbeben in Chili) and St. Cecilia, or the Power of Music (Die heilige Cäcilie oder die Gewalt der Musik) are also fine examples of Kleist's story telling as is The Marquise of O (Die Marquise von O.).
Zur logischen Analyse der politischen Ökonomie unter besonderer Berücksichtigung Adornos und der Forschungsergebnisse von Rubin, Backhaus, Reichelt, Uno und Sekine, in: Beiträge zur Marx-Engels-Forschung.
Hilbert van der Duim became World Allround Champion in 1980, being the first skater in four years to beat Eric Heiden in international competition.
Hüttingen an der Kyll is a municipality in the district of Bitburg-Prüm, in Rhineland-Palatinate, western Germany.
Johannes Maria Haw (b. 26 May 1871; d. 28 October 1949) was a German Roman Catholic priest and the founder of the Johannesbund of Leutesdorf and of the religious communities of the Community of the Sisters of St John of Mary the Queen (Ordensgemeinschaft der Johannesschwestern von Maria Königin) and the Society of Missionaries of Saint John the Baptist (die Gemeinschaft der Missionare vom Hl. Johannes dem Täufer).
Marwitz was born in Tuchlin, West Prussia to Alexander von der Marwitz and Marianne née Wysocki.
Krems, Carinthia, a small municipality in the district of Spittal an der Drau in Carinthia in Austria
He followed this with his Der spanische Erbfolgekrieg und der Churfürst Joseph Clemens von Köln, a study of the War of the Spanish Succession and the role the Elector Joseph Clemens played in this contest, published in 1851.
She was later sold to Gus van der Loodt in 1995, who towed her to Rotterdam to convert her to a floating restaurant, opening as Breeveertien in 1999.
The type locality is "in der Save bei Agram in Croatien", which means in the Sava River near Zagreb, Croatia.
Der Stellvertreter von Rolf Hochhuth in der Innen- und Außenpolitik der Bundesrepublik Deutschland.
Nadine van der Velde is a Canadian American actress, producer and writer.
Over the years, awards have been given to amongst others Piet Beertema, Guido van Rossum, Wietse Venema, Bram Moolenaar, Andy Tanenbaum and Wytze van der Raay and Teus Hagen.
His "Allgemeine Geschichte der katholischen Missionen" (1846 and 1850) was the first treatment of this subject in German; the second volume of the work treats mainly of the conversion of the Indian tribes in America.
2002 Einstürzende Neubauten Fuenf Auf Der Nach Oben Offenen Richterskala (CD, Album, RE)
Kathrin Passig and Ira Strübel: Die Wahl der Qual. Rowohlt-Verlag 2004, ISBN 3-499-61692-0 (German)
Werner Eck (de): Die Statthalter der germanischen Provinzen vom 1.-3.
Rotenburg an der Wümme (until May 1969: Rotenburg in Hannover) is a town in Lower Saxony, Germany.
Handbuch der Technik und Methodik der Immunitätsforschung (with Constantin Levaditi), 1908-09 - Handbook of technology and methodology for immunization research.
From 1919 onwards he was a freelance author for the publication Die Weltbühne, and worked for the publishing house Verlag Die Schmiede as a lector and as the editor of two series of books, “Außenseiter der Gesellschaft” (Outsiders of Society) and “Berichte aus der Wirklichkeit” (Reports from Reality).
Sadomania – Hölle der Lust is a 1981 German-Spanish women in prison film directed by Jesús Franco, starring Ajita Wilson.
Sankt Georgen an der Stiefing is a municipality in the district of Leibnitz in Styria, Austria.
Kahle, Paul, Masoreten des Ostens: Die Altesten Punktierten Handschriften des Alten Testaments und der Targume: 1913, repr.
Shark Island Concentration Camp or "Death Island" (Konzentrationslager auf der Haifischinsel vor Lüderitzbucht ) was a camp on Shark Island off Luderitz, Nambia used by the German empire during the Herero and Namaqua genocide of 1904–1908.
Steinebach an der Wied is linked to the long-distance road network by Bundesstraße 8, which also links the community with the middle centres of Hachenburg and Altenkirchen.
In February, 2008, The Black Atlantic started recording their album in a cabin owned by van der Velde’s in-laws, located in the small town of Saranac Lake, in the heart of the Adirondack Mountains of upstate New York.
The artist has been a two-time grant holder of the Ministry of Culture and an artist-in-residence in Carrara, Essen, Strassbourg, Munich and Newcastle (UK); nominated for the Europaeisches Kolleg der Bildenden Kuenste in Berlin.
The well known van der Westhuizen street in the Cape is named after the van der Westhuizen family (Other significant streetnames also exist in the Northern Cape, Western Cape, Gauteng ('Transvaal'), Chatham in the United Kingdom and in Alberta Canada).
Leopold von der Decken (1895–1947), changed his name to John Decker, painter in Los Angeles, grandson of Georg von der Decken
John Dewey - Logik. Die Theorie der Forschung -, 1986 (Published in German 2002 as "Sozialforschung")