
unusual facts about MPS

Atifete Jahjaga

On 7 April, she was elected President on the first round of voting by the Parliament; of 100 MPs present, 80 voted for Jahjaga and 10 cast a ballot for Suzan Novoberdali.

Bill Ely

His career came to an end at the 1932 election, amidst Labor's heavy defeat after Lang was sacked as Premier by Governor Philip Game; one of many Labor MPs to lose their seats, Ely was defeated by United Australia Party candidate Claude Fleck.

Britannia Unchained

The book is written by Kwasi Kwarteng, Priti Patel, Dominic Raab, Chris Skidmore and Elizabeth Truss – five Tory MPs who were elected in May 2010 and belong to the party's Thatcherite-leaning Free Enterprise Group.

Canadian University Society for Intercollegiate Debate

Many prominent Canadians were university debaters, including former Canadian Prime Ministers Joe Clark and Brian Mulroney, MPs John Godfrey and Justin Trudeau, Canadian Supreme Court justices Ian Binnie and Morris Fish, songwriter Leonard Cohen, entrepreneur Moses Znaimer, environmentalist David Suzuki, and journalist Ian Hanomansing.

Colne Valley

Notable former MPs for the constituency include Victor Grayson and Richard Wainwright.

Committee on Judicial Accountability

In 1998 the committee prepared a charge sheet to impeach Justice Madan Mohan Punchhi, and obtained the signatures of 25 Rajya Sabha MPs.

David Davis by-election campaign, 2008

Davis formally stood down as an MP on 18 June 2008, by accepting the position of Steward and Bailiff of the Three Hundreds of Chiltern, which he immediately renounced in order to be able to stand for the by-election; this is the traditional method of resigning from Parliament, since MPs are not permitted to hold most positions in the gift of the Crown without approval from their constituencies.

Edward McCullagh

McCullagh held his seat at the 1949 general election, then worked with the Nationalist MPs Cahir Healy and Joe Connellan and the independent Republican Charles McGleenan in lobbying for admission to the Dáil, as elected representatives of territory it claimed.

Francis Beckett

He has written a biography of his own father, John Beckett, a Labour MP from 1925 to 1931 and whip of the Independent Labour Party group of MPs; later chief propagandist for Oswald Mosley’s British Union of Fascists and co-founder (with William Joyce) of the National Socialist League, who was interned during the second world war for his fascist activities.

Frank Lilley

On 9 November 1959, Lilley was one of four Scottish MPs on a British European Airways Viscount which was involved in a near miss with a Royal Air Force Pembroke transport.

Greg Pope

The move was described as an attempt to "bounce" MPs on the committee into clearing Alastair Campbell of "sexing up" the so-called Dodgy Dossier of evidence into the threat posed by Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein.

Hard left

In more recent times, John McDonnell and other MPs in the Socialist Campaign Group and the Labour Representation Committee are seen as constituting a hard left in contrast to a soft left represented by politicians like Jon Cruddas.

Imperial Federation

Recalling to the House the contributions of Dadabhai Naoroji and Mancherjee Bhownagree, Indian MPs serving in the House of Commons, Hedderwick mooted the possibility that an autonomous India might one day be represented in an Imperial Parliament.

Independent Irish Party

However two Irish MPs, John Sadleir and William Keogh then broke ranks by joining this ministry, an act for which they were never forgiven in Ireland, where they were remembered with contempt a century later.

Independent Parliamentary Group

In 1920, Bottomley complemented the League by forming the "Independent Parliamentary Group" with other MPs sympathetic to his ideas, while still using the People's League to stand George Makgill in the Leyton by-election, 1920.

Jeanne Mujawamariya

Several MPs on the commission criticized Mujawamariya and Joseph Murekeraho, Minister of State for Primary and Secondary Education, for taking insufficient punitive action against teachers and curriculum developers who were disseminating anti-Tutsi sentiments in schools.

John Benjamin Smith

Their daughter Edith Jane Smith married a lawyer named Edwin Lawrence, the Baconian enthusiast, two of whose elder brothers, William and James, both served as Liberal MPs and Lord Mayor of London.

John Edmund Parry

In 1987, Parry was one of three New Democratic Party Members of Parliament (MPs) to heckle American President Ronald Reagan during an address by the president to the Canadian House of Commons (Toronto Star, 6 June 2004).

John F. Kennedy Space Center MPS

The following buildings were added to the National Register of Historic Places as part of the John F. Kennedy Space Center MPS Multiple Property Submission (or MPS).

Lisa Singh

In August 2007, Singh abstained in a vote on a controversial Bill supporting Gunns' Bell Bay Pulp Mill supported by all fellow Labor MPs, after having failed in an appeal to then-Premier Paul Lennon for a conscience vote on the matter.

Maastricht Treaty

In the United Kingdom, an opt-out from the treaty's social provisions was opposed in Parliament by the opposition Labour and Liberal Democrat MPs and the treaty itself by the Maastricht Rebels within the governing Conservative Party.

Malcolm Laycock

Laycock's departure prompted outraged listeners to write to Radio 2 controller Bob Shennan and even their local MPs in an attempt to bring him back.

Maritime law enforcement agencies in China

The China Coast Guard was formerly the maritime branch of the Public Security Border Troops, a paramilitary police force under the leadership of the Ministry of Public Security (MPS).

Mark Lancaster

In the 2005-10 Parliament Lancaster was left unscathed by the expenses investigation, he did not feature in the Daily Telegraph's investigation and was one of a minority of MPs not asked to pay back any money as a result of the Sir Thomas Legg Enquiry.

Marzouq AlـHubaini Al-Azmi

On November 28, 2008, MP Abdullah Al-Roumi joined MPs Khaled AlـSultan Bin Essa, Hassan Johar, Musallam Al-Barrak, and Al-Azmi in formulating a bill to extend the mandatory retirement age for Kuwaiti teaching staff at Kuwait University from 65 to 70 years.


They received very light sentences in jail and then the following autumn, general elections were held, and the Labour Party, which had fought for the protection of the whales, entered parliament for the first time with four MPs.

Mercosur Parliament

On June 2008, the MPs held their first parliamentary session outside the Mercosur headquarters in Montevideo, on the city of San Miguel de Tucumán, where the XXXV Meeting of Mercosur Heads of State was also being held.

Migrant workers in Kuwait

In the parliamentary debates over the Kuwaiti minimum wage, MPs Askar Al-Enezi and Sadoon Al-Otaibi have dismissed past wage increases as “too small” and not enough to meet the steep hikes in consumer prices.

Movement of Unitarian Communists

It was founded in June 1995 as a split from the Communist Refoundation Party (PRC) by those Communist MPs who had voted the vote of confidence in the government of Lamberto Dini (supported also by the Democratic Party of the Left (PDS), the Italian People's Party and the Northern League) in March 1995.

Muhammad Robert Heft

Heft continues to support government agencies on efforts of de-radicalization and is also supported by former MPs of the federal government, Derek Lee and Dan McTeague.

Nasarudin Hashim

Joined by three other Pakatan Rakyat MPs, the defection gave the UMNO-led Barisan Nasional coalition the numbers to return to government.

Next United Kingdom general election

The terms of the Fixed-term Parliaments Act 2011 mandate that the election will be held on 7 May 2015 (except in the event of a collapse of government or a two-thirds majority of MPs voting for an early election).

Ngāti Mutunga

At the passing of the bill Hansard shows MPs spoke warmly of the Ngati Mutunga positive contribution to bringing to an end the grievances with the Crown, although Maori party MP Te Ururoa Flavell, speaking in Maori only, said that he believed Ngati Mutunga had been given a poor deal by the Crown who he called thieves.

Parliamentary Services Act

Some were skeptical of how much effect reviving the act would have on Parliamentary independence; Nazri argued he couldn't "see any less independence among MPs in the last 13 years without the PSA", and constitutional scholar Shad Saleem Faruqi called it a "merely symbolic gesture".

One MP from the ruling Barisan Nasional coalition exasperatedly decried the amount of red tape required for MPs to hire research assistants, and another stated he was forced to use online websites such as Wikipedia for his research.

Paul Tiensten

He was re-elected in 2007 for a second term of Parliament as Minister for National Planning and District Development, but lost his portfolio in August 2011 when a defection of MPs saw the government of Michael Somare disbanded.

Rada TV

According to UDAR MP Iryna Herashchenko in December 2013 the channel ignored the pro-European rallies of Euromaidan while broadcasting mostly speeches and statements made by government members and rallies held by Party of Regions (and thus not covering the activities of all parliamentary factions and MPs, including opposition and independent deputies).

Ralph Hanan

In 1961, Hanan and nine other National MPs (Ernest Aderman, Gordon Grieve, Duncan MacIntyre, Robert Muldoon, Herbert Pickering, Logan Sloane, Brian Talboys, Mrs Esme Tombleson and Bert Walker) crossed the floor and voted with Labour to abolish the death penalty for murder in New Zealand.

Refoundation for the Left

On 24 January the group around Vendola, including Franco Giordano, Gennaro Migliore and Alfonso Gianni, finally decided to leave the party and to transform their faction into a party, the Movement for the Left (MpS).

Regional Affairs Committee

The Committee comprises thirteen MPs from English constituencies, although any MP representing an English constituency may participate in its debates.

Richard Benyon

In 2012 while Wildlife Minister he refused a request from other MPs that possession of carbofuran, a deadly poison used to kill raptors that is banned in Canada and the European Union, should be made a criminal offence.

Santiago Carrillo

His own courageous personal behaviour during the failed coup d'état was remarkable − he was, together with outgoing prime minister Suárez and defence minister Manuel Gutiérrez Mellado, one of the three MPs not to obey the rebels' orders to lie down, choosing to sit and have a cigarette (as shown in the surviving TV footage of that day).

Scottish Liberal Party

The party reached its low point during the 1950s, when Jo Grimond was the sole Scottish Liberal MP in the House of Commons, but it gained a partial revival in the 1964 general election when it gained three further MPs, George Mackie, Russell Johnston and Alasdair Mackenzie.

Selayang Municipal Council

Majlis Perbandaran Selayang or Selayang Municipal Council (MPS) is a local authority which administrates Gombak district and other areas.


The letter was read to journalists by Mohsen Armin, one of the organizers of the MPs sit-in criticizing the vettings of the Council of Guardians.

Shaul Mishal

In an address to a group of European MPs, The Hamas leader in Gaza, Ismail Haniyeh, said his government was willing to accept a Palestinian state within the 1967 borders.

The Freedom Association

Other council members include Conservative MPs Christopher Chope, Philip Davies, Robert Halfon, Philip Hollobone, Gerald Howarth, John Whittingdale, and Andrew Rosindell, Conservative MEP Daniel Hannan, UKIP MEP Roger Helmer, former Conservative MSP Brian Monteith, Lord David Stoddart, House of Lords cross-bencher Baroness Cox and former leader of UKIP Lord Pearson.


During the parliamentary term Theo-Dems were joined by other Catholic MPs close to Rutelli, including two former leading members of the Association of Italian Catholic Guides and Scouts, Cristina De Luca and Luigi Lusi.

Tom Levitt

As one of the few MPs with a qualification in British Sign Language, Levitt was an elected Trustee of the Royal National Institute for Deaf People (RNID) from 1998 to 2003.

see also