It occurs in coastal and lowland forest from Te Paki in the north of the North Island south to Mahia Peninsula and Taranaki.
The yellow moray, Gymnothorax prasinus, is a moray eel of the genus Gymnothorax, found in southern Australia and between North Cape and the Mahia Peninsula on the North Island of New Zealand.
Iberian Peninsula | Wirral Peninsula | Cape York Peninsula | Mornington Peninsula | Peninsula Campaign | Malay Peninsula | Arabian Peninsula | peninsula | Korean Peninsula | Niagara Peninsula | Varna Peninsula | Antarctic Peninsula | Olympic Peninsula | Virginia Peninsula | Kamchatka Peninsula | Kenai Peninsula | Chukchi Peninsula | Sinai Peninsula | Kola Peninsula | Iberian peninsula | Gaspé Peninsula | Eyre Peninsula | Banks Peninsula | Baja California peninsula | Hel Peninsula | Delmarva Peninsula | Yucatán Peninsula | Liaodong Peninsula | Cotentin Peninsula | Cape Peninsula |
According to legend, the rock is the petrified wife of culture hero Haunui-a-Nanaia, who pursued her from Mahia Peninsula, naming places on the way including Manawatū, Ohau and Turakina.