
24 unusual facts about Iberian peninsula

A Sea Cave Near Lisbon

In 1896, film pioneer R. W. Paul sent his associate Henry Short on a film-making trip to the Iberian Peninsula, with a new lightweight portable camera he had developed.

Abd al-Mu'min

One of the monuments he caused to be erected was a substantial fortress at Chellah to prepare the site as a base for attacks against Iberia.

The last years of his life were spent campaigning in the Al-Andalus (Moorish Iberia) first conquering the Muslim kingdoms and then campaigning inconclusively against the Christian states.

Alcázar de los Reyes Cristianos

Henry's successor, Isabella and her husband Ferdinand used the Alcázar for one of the first permanent tribunals of the Spanish Inquisition and as a headquarters for their campaign against the Nasrid dynasty in Granada, the last remaining Moorish kingdom in the Iberian Peninsula.

Battle of Alarcos

But the caliph was losing interest in the affairs of the Iberian Peninsula; he was in poor health, his objective of retaining a hold over al-Andalus appeared to be a complete success, and in 1198 he returned to Africa.

This battle was to mark a turning-point that led to the end of Moorish rule in the Iberian Peninsula.

Captain Horatio Hornblower R.N.

Leighton assumes they will make for the Mediterranean, but Hornblower suggests that they mean to support Napoleon's campaign on the Iberian Peninsula.

Castillo de Jimena

Given its strategic location on the frontier of the Gibraltar region, this fortress proved an important Moorish stronghold throughout the Muslim domination of the Iberian Peninsula.

Cuban Missile Crisis: The Aftermath

The third campaign takes place in Iberian Peninsula where they try to hold the front against the USSR while the government evacuates people and resources from Europe to West Africa.


This victory gave Pisa supremacy until the victory of the Aragonese (from the Iberian Peninsula) in 1323.

Earth 2140

A UCS raid on an ED base is enough to ignite the rivalry into full-scale war as the ED fails in its bid to control Mexico and the UCS counterattacks Scandinavia, Great Britain, France, and the Iberian Peninsula.

Emirate of Córdoba

The Emirate of Córdoba (Arabic: إمارة قرطبة, Imārah Qurṭuba) was an independent emirate in the Iberian Peninsula between 756 and 929 with Córdoba as its capital.

In 929, to impose its authority and end the riots and conflicts that ravaged the Iberian Peninsula, he proclaimed himself caliph, elevating the emirate to a position in prestige not only with the Abbasid caliph in Baghdad but also the Shi'ite caliph in Tunis—with whom he was competing for control of North Africa.

Ersilia mediterranea

As the name suggests, this species is mainly distributed throughout European waters off the coasts of the Iberian Peninsula.


Though unknown in the Iberian Peninsula, fossils of this genus have been found in the Balearic Islands, suggesting an eastern migration during the dry period in the Mediterranean region known as the Messinian Salinity Crisis.

Ibón Pérez Arrieta

In his country, Pérez could never play in higher than the third division in his beginnings, moving in 2001 to Iberian Peninsula neighbours Portugal with Desportivo de Chaves where he scored at incredible rate, always in the second division.

Military career of José de San Martín in Spain

Despite of the Spanish victory at the Battle of Albuera, where San Martín fought next to William Carr Beresford, France prevailed and conquered most of the Iberian Peninsula, with the exception of Cádiz.

Niche microdifferentiation

The Iberian Peninsula is populated by peoples of various ancestral background.

Santa Bárbara Castle

Bronze Age, Iberian, and Roman artifacts have been found on the slopes of the mountain, but the origins of the castle date to the 9th century at the time of Muslim control of the Iberian Peninsula.

The Brigand

Loosely based on The Brigand by Alexandre Dumas, the film is set in the Napoleonic era in 1804 in the mythical Iberian nation of "Mandorra".

Vz. 24

24 was used in Catalonia and the Mediterranean coast of the Iberian Peninsula and saw action in the Battle of the Ebro, where the vz.

Western Demoiselle

It replaces the Banded Demoiselle (C. splendens) in southern France and the Iberian Peninsula, and is sometimes considered a subspecies of that species (hybrids frequently occur in areas where they overlap).

Yuri de Souza

In the 2005 summer, Yuri moved to Iberian neighbours Spain, mainly representing lowly Pontevedra CF (he also had a loan spell at UD Las Palmas in division two, but only appeared in 12 matches out of 42 without scoring).

Zizeeria knysna

The Dark Grass Blue or African Grass Blue (Zizeeria knysna), is a species of blue butterfly found in Africa, on Cyprus and the Iberian Peninsula.

Al-Azraq Treaty of 1245

The Al-Azraq Treaty of 1245 was a treaty between the Christian King James I of Aragon and the Muslim commander Mohammad Abu Abdallah Ben Hudzail al Sahuir popularly known as Al-Azraq in 1245 in the Iberian Peninsula.


The Bletonesii were one of the pre-Roman Celtic peoples of the Iberian Peninsula (the Roman Hispania, modern Spain and Portugal), dwelling around the city of Bletisa, or modern Ledesma in the province of Salamanca (Spain).

Demographics of Greece

At the same time a large Sephardi Jewish emigrant community from the Iberian peninsula established itself in Thessaloniki, while there were population movements of Arvanites and Vlachs, who established communities in several parts of the Greek peninsula.

Edward Lhuyd

He argued that the Brythonic languages originated in Gaul (France), and that the Goidelic languages originated in the Iberian Peninsula.

European folklore

Many folk traditions also originated by contact with the Islamic world, especially in the Balkans and in the Iberian peninsula, which were ruled by Islamic empires before being re-conquered (in the case of the Balkans, partially) by Christian forces.

Eurranthis plummistaria

It is found in south-western Europe, including the Maritime Alps in France and the Iberian Peninsula and Italy.

Extremaduran cuisine

The chanfaina in Extremadura has nothing to do with similarly named dishes in the Iberian Peninsula, like the Catalan Xanfaina, which is a Spanish version of the Occitan Ratatouille.


According to the Sicilian Greek poet Stesichorus, in his poem the "Song of Geryon", and the Greek geographer Strabo, in his book Geographika (volume III), the garden of the Hesperides is located in Tartessos, a location placed in the south of the Iberian peninsula.

Hyacinthoides paivae

Hyacinthoides paivae is endemic to the north-western part of the Iberian Peninsula, including western parts of Galicia (A Coruña, Ourense and Pontevedra provinces) and north-western parts of Portugal (Beira Litoral, Douro Litoral, Minho and Trás-os-Montes provinces).


Hydatius or Idacius (c. 400 – c. 469), bishop of Aquae Flaviae in the Roman province of Gallaecia (almost certainly the modern Chaves, Portugal, in the modern district of Vila Real) was the author of a chronicle of his own times that provides us with our best evidence for the history of the Iberian Peninsula in the 5th century.

Iberian schematic art

Iberian schematic art is the name given to a series of prehistoric representations (almost always cave paintings) that appear in the Iberian peninsula, which are associated with the first metallurgical cultures (the Copper Age, the Bronze Age and even the start of the Iron Age).

Jaime Gil de Biedma

Among Spanish readers, he is considered one of the most consummate Anglophiles in the field of contemporary peninsular literature.


Kelin was an ancient Iberian city located on the hill of Los Villares (Caudete de las Fuentes, Valencia).


Lámfhind (Old Irish "White Hand"), son of Agnoman, (not the same Agnoman who was the father of Nemed) was, according to medieval Irish historical traditions, a mythical ancestor of the Milesians, who are said to have settled Ireland from the Iberian Peninsula and from whom the lineages of most of the traditional High Kings were traced.

Marca Hispanica

The Marca Hispanica resulted from the expansion south of the Frankish realm from their heartland in Neustria and Austrasia starting with Charles Martel in 732 and after various decades fighting between the Franks and Muslims (Moors) in the Iberian Peninsula.

Military history of Morocco

It interacts with multiple military events in a vast area containing North Africa and the Iberian peninsula.

Muhammad al-Nasir

Because of his father's victories against the Christians in the Iberian Peninsula (Al-Andalus), he was temporarily relieved from serious threats on that front and able to concentrate on combating and defeating Banu Ghaniya attempts to seize Ifriqiya (Tunisia).

Niccolò Antonio Colantonio

His paintings show the mingling of several cultures, as Alfonso V of Aragon had brought to Naples artists from Iberia, including the Valencian Jacomart, Burgundy, Provence, and Flanders.

Peninsular Spanish

Peninsular Spanish, also known as European Spanish and Iberian Spanish, refers to the varieties of the Spanish language spoken in the Iberian Peninsula, as opposed to the Spanish spoken in the Americas and in the Canary Islands.


Remains of the Punic culture can be found in settlements from the Iberian Peninsula in the West to Cyprus in the East.

Scopula rubiginata

It is not present in most of the southern part of the Iberian Peninsula (with the exception of Gibraltar), Sicily and the southern Greek islands.

Solís Uprising

The Reino de Galicia—the Kingdom of Galicia, dating back to the Middle Ages——had been formally abolished thirteen years earlier under the 1833 territorial division of Spain, as were the other Iberian "kingdoms" that had fallen under the domination of the Kingdom of Castile and had been incorporated into a single Spanish Monarchy.

Spotless Starling

It is closely related to the Common Starling S. vulgaris, but has a much more restricted range, confined to the Iberian Peninsula, northwest Africa, southernmost France, and on the islands of Sicily, Sardinia and Corsica.

The Stone Raft

The basic premise of the novel is that the Iberian Peninsula has broken off the European continent and is floating freely in the Atlantic Ocean; bureaucrats around the world are forced to deal with the traumatic effects, while five characters from across Portugal and Spain are drawn ever closer to one another, embarking on a journey within the peninsula as the landmass journeys itself.

Transport in Portugal

In Porto, a tram network, of three lines, began construction in 12 September 1895, the first in the Iberian Peninsula.