
3 unusual facts about Manuel II Palaiologos


Philadelphia was an independent, neutral city under the influence of the Latin Knights of Rhodes, when taken in 1390 by Sultan Bayezid I and an auxiliary Christian force under the Byzantine emperor Manuel II after a prolonged resistance, by which time all the other cities of Asia Minor had surrendered to the Ottomans.

Manuel II Palaiologos

In 1399, French King Charles VI sent Marshal Boucicaut with 6 ships carrying 1,200 men from Aigues-Mortes to Constantinople, later 300 men under Seigneur Jean de Chateaumorand remained to defend the city against Bayezid.

Theodore Khoury

Prof. Khoury has also translated several dialogues between Byzantine Emperor Manuel II Palaiologos and an ""educated Persian" (presumably one who spoke Greek) in 1966.

see also