She greatly reduced the number of her own screen appearances, and during the 1930s she worked regularly as an assistant director with Marcel L'Herbier as well as giving lectures and writing film criticism.
In spite of his successes, Cinégraphic was steadily losing money, and for his next film L'Herbier chose a more popular and straightforward subject, Le Vertige (1926), filmed in the south of France, and he was rewarded with a commercial success.
This was followed by Le Diable au coeur, a maritime drama set in the fishing port of Honfleur, and featuring the English actress Betty Balfour; this was the first French feature to be shot on panchromatic film.
Marcel Duchamp | Marcel Proust | Marcel Marceau | Marcel Breuer | Marcel Pagnol | Marcel Lefebvre | Marcel Dzama | Marcel Griaule | Marcel Carné | Marcel Mauss | Marcel Mule | Marcel Journet | Marcel Janco | Marcel Gauchet | Marcel Dassault | Marcel Bozzuffi | Cedrik-Marcel Stebe | Saint-Marcel | Marcel Vanthilt | Marcel Reif | Marcel Labey | Marcel Granet | Marcel Cerdan | Marcel Bigeard | Marcel Bellefeuille | Gabriel Marcel | Saint-Marcel-lès-Valence | Rosie Marcel | Readymades of Marcel Duchamp | Mario Marcel Salas |
1950 – The Last Days of Pompeii (Gli ultimi giorni di Pompei / Les Derniers Jours de Pompéi) (Italy/France), directed by Marcel L'Herbier and Paolo Moffa.
Feu Mathias Pascal, a 1925 French film adaptation by Marcel L'Herbier.