Mars | Veronica Mars | The Mars Volta | Bruno Mars | Thirty Seconds to Mars | Mars, Incorporated | Mars (mythology) | Direct current | Mars Science Laboratory | Mars Exploration Rover | direct current | direct action | Mars trilogy | Mars Pathfinder | Champ de Mars | An Anthropologist on Mars | Turbocharged Direct Injection | Pyramids of Mars | Mars Global Surveyor | Mars and Beyond | Life on Mars (UK TV series) | Life on Mars | High-voltage direct current | Field of Mars | Direct marketing | Mars Society | Mars Lasar | Joint Direct Attack Munition | Direct memory access | A Princess of Mars |
Mars Direct: A plan for a manned Mars mission created by NASA engineers Robert Zubrin and David Baker in 1990, later expanded upon in Zubrin's 1996 book The Case for Mars.
The book is also notable for including a publication of Robert Zubrin's Mars Direct mission architecture (first formulated in 1990), which was soon expanded into a book of its own, The Case For Mars: The Plan to Settle the Red Planet and Why We Must, and which provided the impetus for the founding of the Mars Society.