
unusual facts about Masson's trichrome stain

Phosphomolybdic acid

Phosphomolybdic acid, also known as dodeca molybdophosphoric acid or PMA is a component of Masson's trichrome stain.

Brewing Industry Research Foundation

In 1946 the Institute of Brewing recommended the setting up of an experimental research station, the Brewing Industry Research Foundation, with a full-time Director of Research and in 1947 Dr J Masson Gulland (Professor of Organic Chemistry, Nottingham University) was appointed to that position.


The recognition of their endocrine-related properties were later described by Gosset and Masson in 1914, and these tumors are now known to arise from the enterochromaffin (EC) and enterochromaffin-like (ECL) cells of the gut.

Charles Masson Fox

Masson Fox was born into a Quaker family (although he was not related to the Quakers’ founder George Fox) and was a cousin of the fraudulent sinologist Sir Edmund Backhouse, 2nd Baronet.

Cora Cohen

The relationships and affinities of her paintings with European Art informel (Wols, Jean Fautrier, Yves Klein) and the antecedent surrealist automatism of Andre Masson became more pronounced in Cohen’s work during the time she lived in Cologne in the nineties.

David del Puerto

His works have been performed by soloists the likes of Ernest Rombout, Ananda Sukarlan, Miquel Bernat, Ángel Luis Castaño, Manuel Guillén, Evelyn Glennie and Sarah Leonard, and conducted by the likes of Ed Spanjaard, Sakari Oramo, Diego Masson, Luca Pfaff, José Ramón Encinar, Josep Pons, Pedro Halffter, Fabián Panisello, Tapio Tuomela, Pablo González Bernardo, Pablo Heras, Dmitri Loos, etc.

David I. Masson

Except for a stint in the Royal Army Medical Corps during the Second World War from 1940-45, Masson remained a librarian for the rest of his working life.

Diego Masson

The son of artist André Masson and brother of the singer and actor Luís Masson, Diego Masson studied piano and composition at the Paris Conservatoire.

Edinburgh Association for the University Education of Women

Louisa Stevenson and Margaret Houldsworth were leading figures in raising funds for the Masson Hall (named to honour Professor Masson's support) which opened in 1897 with accommodation and a library, overseen by the warden, Frances Simson, one of those first eight women graduates.

Émile Masson Jr.

Masson was Belgian road race champion twice, and won important races such as La Flèche Wallonne, Paris–Roubaix and Bordeaux–Paris.

Epistle to the Ephesians

Among this group are Allan, Beare, Brandon, Bultmann, Conzelmann, Dibelius, Goodspeed, Kilsemann, J. Knox, W.L. Knox, Kümmel, K and S Lake, Marxsen, Masson, Mitton, Moffatt, Nineham, Pokorny, Schweizer, and J. Weiss.

Estérel, Quebec

Around 1920, Belgian Baron Louis Empain acquired substantially all the land around Lake Masson intending to build a resort called Estérel, named after the Esterel massif in Provence, south-east France.

Francis Masson

Masson was the first plant collector to be sent abroad by the newly appointed director Sir Joseph Banks; he sailed with James Cook on HMS Resolution to South Africa, landing in October 1772.

James Masson

Masson articled in law with William Hamilton Ponton, was called to the Ontario bar in 1871 and set up practice in Owen Sound.

He was born in Seymour Township, Canada West, the son of Thomas W.S. Masson, and educated there and in Belleville.


Masson-Angers, a sector of the city of Gatineau, Quebec, Canada,

Masson-Angers, Quebec

However, current councillor Luc Montreuil disputed the result reversal mentionning that the electoral list was not updated correctly for the vote.

Maturin Murray Ballou

Illustrators who worked for Ballou included John Andrew, Charles A. Barry, W.L. Champney, John Chapin, William Croome, Charles Damoreau, George Devereux, Winslow Homer, Frank Leslie, John Manning, Emile Masson, Samuel Worcester Rowse, William Wade, Alfred Waud, William Waud.

Maxime Masson

At the beginning of his priesthood, Maxime Masson was vicar of the parish of Saint-Justin (1894–1899), at Saint-Léon (1902), at Saint-Timothée of Hérouxville (1902–1903), before being assigned as pastor to Sainte-Thècle, on February 6, 1903.

Paul Masson

The Paul Masson brand is best remembered for its 1970s marketing association with Orson Welles, who promised for Masson: "We will sell no wine before its time." An infamous outtake for one commercial from the Orson Welles campaign features Welles attempting to deliver his lines while very severely inebriated.

Stephen Gilbert

His work was inspired by Masson, and by reading Jung, Nietzsche and Jakob Böhme, with fantastic creatures and plants painted in vivid colours.

The Assault on Truth

Professor of German Ritchie Robertson believes that Masson overstates the case against Freud.


As well as its own language data sets, third-party modules include an English-French medical dictionary licenced from Masson, the French division of Elsevier, the world's largest publisher of medical and scientific literature, an English-Klingon dictionary developed in collaboration with the Klingon Language Institute and Simon & Schuster, and bilingual corpora developed in association with HarperCollins.

see also