Born in Măcin, Tulcea County, Romania, to Isaac Samuel and Fanny Acker, Maurice moved to Paris with his family at the age of five and about a year later to Victoria University.
Samuel Beckett | Samuel Taylor Coleridge | Maurice Ravel | Samuel Johnson | Samuel Pepys | Samuel L. Jackson | Maurice Chevalier | Maurice Maeterlinck | Maurice Richard Arena | Samuel R. Delany | Samuel Barber | Samuel Goldwyn | Samuel | Maurice Delafosse | Samuel Alito | Maurice Sendak | Samuel Butler | Maurice Gibb | Samuel Ramey | Order of Saints Maurice and Lazarus | Maurice Elvey | Maurice Duruflé | Maurice Béjart | Maurice | Samuel Morse | Samuel Gompers | Samuel de Champlain | Maurice Tourneur | Samuel Sewall | Maurice Merleau-Ponty |
Written in Yiddish, it was first translated into English by Maurice Samuel in 1936 and published by Knopf.