On July 18, 1913, Dooling was nominated by President Woodrow Wilson to a seat on the United States District Court for the Northern District of California vacated by John J. De Haven.
Maurice Ravel | Maurice Chevalier | Timothy Leary | Maurice Maeterlinck | Timothy Dalton | Maurice Richard Arena | Maurice Delafosse | Timothy Spall | Maurice Sendak | Timothy West | Maurice Gibb | Order of Saints Maurice and Lazarus | Maurice Elvey | Maurice Duruflé | Maurice Béjart | Maurice | Timothy F. Murphy | Maurice Tourneur | Timothy Geithner | Maurice Merleau-Ponty | Timothy Zahn | Timothy Hutton | Saint-Maurice | Maurice Richard | Timothy Hackworth | Timothy Greenfield-Sanders | Timothy Findley | Maurice LaMarche | Maurice Kanbar | Maurice Jarre |