
unusual facts about Medieval commune

Hillin von Fallemanien

Hillin resisted the Count Palatine Conrad, who supported the rights of the citizenry of Trier to create a commune.

Conrad of Urslingen

He briefly sheltered the young Emperor Frederick II at the Rocca and acted as the vicar of the Kingdom of Sicily, but in 1198 he was ordered to render Spoleto to the Pope and during his absence, Assisi rebelled and declared a commune.

Gregorio di Montelongo

He also led the anti-Hohenstaufen party in the region when Frederick's heir, Conrad IV of Germany, incited the Istrian communes to revolt.


The commune of Pavia defeated the Counts in the 1140s and captured Lomello, owning it until 1360, when Lomello underwent the domination of the Visconti, who were followed, from 1450 to 1535, by the Sforza.


With the prosperity of the Renaissance, the republican city states ("Communi") of Italy came to be increasingly dominated by powerful families ("Signorie").

Republic of Lucca

After the death of Margravine Matilda of Tuscany in 1115, the city began to constitute itself an independent commune, with a charter officially acknowledged by Margrave Welf VI in 1160.

see also