
unusual facts about Meyerbeer

Adolphe Nourrit

Beside singing and teaching, Nourrit composed and wrote scenarios for ballets at the Opéra de Paris, including the libretto for La Sylphide (1832), which was based on Meyerbeer's Robert le Diable.

Berlin State Opera

The reconstruction of the building was supervised by architect Carl Ferdinand Langhans, and the Königliches Opernhaus (Royal Opera House) was inaugurated the following autumn by a performance of Meyerbeer's Ein Feldlager in Schlesien.

Ein Feldlager in Schlesien

The king wanted Ludwig Rellstab, a critic who was Meyerbeer's enemy, in the hopes that this would reconcile the two men.

Elizabeth Futral

Later that year, she sang the role of Catherine in Meyerbeer's L'étoile du nord at the Wexford Festival.

Florence Easton

She sang more than 100 parts, covering a wide range of styles and periods, from Mozart, Meyerbeer, Gounod, Verdi, Wagner, Puccini, Strauss, Schreker and Krenek.

Il crociato in Egitto

After its successful Venetian premiere, Il Crociato in Egitto was the first of Meyerbeer's operas to be performed in London at His Majesty's Theatre on 3 June 1825, also with Velluti in the cast.

Nazzareno De Angelis

Selections from his recorded output, consisting mainly of operatic arias and duets by Meyerbeer, Halévy, Verdi, Puccini, Wagner, Gounod, Thomas, Boito, Rossini, and Weber, have been issued by Preiser Records (Lebendige Vergangenheit) on two separate CDs (numbers 89042 and 89507).


The instrument was standard in French mid-19th century serious operas by Meyerbeer, Halevy, and Auber, as well as English operas by Michael Balfe, Vincent Wallace, and others.


Meyerbeer also introduced Wagner to Ignaz Moscheles, who was also staying at Boulogne; as Ernest Newman comments, this was "Wagner's first meeting with real international musical celebrities".

Other critical comments though the ages have included (apart from von Bulow's jibe about it being 'Meyerbeer's best opera'), 'Meyerbeer's worst opera' (Charles Rosen), 'an attack of musical measles' (Ernest Newman) and ' the greatest musical drama ever composed' (Gustav Mahler).

Suzanne Adams

While in France she sang numeroues roles by Gounod and Meyerbeer, as well as the Queen of the Night in the The Magic Flute and the title role in Gluck's Eurydice among other roles.

see also