
3 unusual facts about Michel Debré


The bus stop at the same location retained this name until December 31, 2005, when it was renamed Michel-Debré, after Michel Debré, the prime minister of the Fifth Republic and co-author of the Constitution of France.

Les Cactus

The song was referenced by French Prime Minister Georges Pompidou in the Assemblée Nationale to indicate his feelings towards his former Finance Minister, Valéry Giscard d'Estaing, who was a harsh critics of his successor Michel Debré: "As Jacques Dutronc says, there is a cactus here".

Michel Debré

He personally fought to get Paris to create a second high school on the south of the island, in Le Tampon, when at the time there was only one, the Lycée Leconte-de-Lisle, that catered for many thousands of inhabitants.

Édouard Debat-Ponsan

He was Father of the architect and Grand Prix de Rome winner in 1912, Jacques Debat-Ponsan, and grandfather of Michel Debré, who became Prime Minister under General Charles de Gaulle and was one of the drafters of the Fifth Republic.

see also