
4 unusual facts about Michel Duc-Goninaz


Other notable people who played parts in the film included Schwartz (the commissioner), Gaston Waringhien (the voice-over) and many from the environs of the contemporary Paris, including Michel Duc-Goninaz.

Michel Duc-Goninaz

For many years he was a lecturer in Russian and Esperanto at the University of Provence (Aix-Marseille).

Notably, he compiled Vocabulaire Espéranto (Laŭtema esperanta franca vortareto), a thematic French-Esperanto dictionary published by Ophrys in 1971 (2nd edition, 1990), and he adapted Alexander Pushkin's play The Stone Guest into Esperanto as La Ŝtona Gasto.

"Esperanto en Perspektivo: Faktoj kaj analizoj pri la internacia lingvo" ("Esperanto in perspective: Facts and analyses about the International Language", Ivo Lapenna, Ulrich Lins, Tazio Carlevaro: Compte-rendu) in Language Problems and Language Planning, 3:1, 40–45.

see also