Recent productions have included lesser-known works by Carlo Goldoni, Leo Tolstoi, Eugène Labiche, Robert de Flers and Gaston de Caillavet, as well as modern works by Michel Vinaver (Les travaux et les jours) and Robert Pinget (Ici ou ailleurs) — also Molière's major classic George Dandin.
Michel Foucault | Jean Michel Jarre | Michel Gondry | Jean-Michel Basquiat | Michel Legrand | Michel de Montaigne | Michel Houellebecq | Michel Platini | Michel Plasson | Michel Ney | Mont Saint-Michel | Michel Tournier | Michel Portal | Michel Rocard | Michel Fokine | Michel Deville | Michel Butor | Michel Berger | Jean-Michel Dubernard | Michel Rolland | Michel Polnareff | Michel Maffesoli | Michel Drucker | Michel Roux | Michel Piccoli | Michel Boyibanda | Michel Bastarache | Michel | Robert H. Michel | Michel Vieuchange |
Roger Planchon transposed many works by Brecht, Molière, Shakespeare, and many works of contemporary authors, including Arthur Adamov and Michel Vinaver, but also opened the Théâtre National Populaire to Patrice Chéreau, then Georges Lavaudant.