
6 unusual facts about Michel Wieviorka

Michel Wieviorka

1996 (with Alain Touraine, François Dubet, Farhad Khosrokhavar, Didier Lapeyronnie): Le grand refus.

1978 (with Alain Touraine, François Dubet, Zsuzsa Hegedus): La prophétie antinucléaire.

Wieviorka is the founder and editor of the sociological journal Le Monde des Debats and, with Georges Balandier, edits the Cahiers internationaux de sociologie.

A former student of Alain Touraine, he is now one of the most renowned sociologists and public intellectuals in France and abroad.

Wieviorka is the director of the Centre d'Analyses et d'Interventions Sociologique (CADIS) at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, which was established by Alain Touraine in 1981.

Wilhelm Heitmeyer

Together with Douglas Massey, Steven Messner, James Sidanius und Michel Wieviorka he is editor of the International Journal of Conflict and Violence.

see also