
3 unusual facts about Michel de Grammont

Michel de Grammont

De Grammont landed his men in Spanish-held Venezuela and captured Maracaibo then followed the capture and plundering of several smaller towns as Gibraltar, penetrating as far inland as Trujillo.

In May 1683, de Grammont, van Hoorn and de Graaf sacked Vera Cruz in Mexico, taking 4,000 prisoners for ransom.Later Grammont raided Spanish Florida settlements, including St.Augustine and the Mocama mission province, forcing further southward migrations.

Santa Catalina de Guale

In 1683 the French pirate Michel de Grammont raided Spanish Florida settlements, including St. Augustine and the Mocama mission province, forcing further southward migrations.

Jan Willems

Based out of Petit-Goâve, Willems participated in a number of expeditions against the Spanish during the early to mid-1680s with other well-known privateers including Michiel Andrieszoon, Thomas Paine, Laurens de Graaf, Nicholas van Hoorn and Michel de Grammont.

see also