
unusual facts about Midreshet Ben-Gurion

Midreshet Ben-Gurion

The Jacob Blaustein Institutes for Desert Research, affiliated with Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, the Ben Gurion Heritage Institute, and a high school emphasizing environmental studies, are now located there.

Aliyah and yishuv during World War I

The Ottoman authorities also deported the leaders of the Jewish population in the Land of Israel—David Ben-Gurion and Yitzhak Ben-Zvi were deported from the empire in spite of the Zionist leadership officially declaring their support to the Ottoman empire.

Avshalom Haviv

David Ben-Gurion, Chaim Weizmann, and the head rabbis, all pleaded with the chief commissioner for amnesty.

Baruch Ostrovsky

Contemporaneously with his educational work, Ostrovsky was active in the Zionist Movement's labor organization, Poale Zion, with the leaders David Ben-Gurion, Ber Borochov and Yitzhak Ben-Zvi.

Bassam Abu Sharif

"Ben-Gurion gave the order to assassinate Kennedy. I take full responsibility for every word I say. The Mossad collaborated with the American mafia, and once Oswald had killed Kennedy, the Mossad sent a Jew called Jack Ruby to kill him. Then the Mossad killed 22 witnesses, and the case was closed...these files have not been made public, due to Jewish Zionist pressure."

Chana Orloff

In addition to monuments, Orloff sculpted portraits of Israeli Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion and future Prime Minister Levi Eshkol; the architects Pierre Chareau, and Auguste Perret; painters Henri Matisse, Amedeo Modigliani, Pablo Picasso, and Per Krohg; and the poets Hayyim Nahman Bialik, and Pierre Mac Orlan.

David Tuviyahu

He also oversaw the construction of the Soroka Medical Center and helped establish the Negev University, later renamed in honor of David Ben-Gurion, Israel's first Prime Minister and a proponent of developing the Negev desert.

Davit Kezerashvili

After migrating to Russia, he went to Israel in 1992, where he lived with his grandmother in the Kiryat Ben-Gurion neighborhood of Holon and attended high school.

Erik Durschmied

Durschmied interviewed many international figures, including John F. Kennedy, Salvador Allende, David Ben-Gurion, and Saddam Hussein.

Fourth government of Israel

The government fell when Ben-Gurion resigned on 6 December 1953 as he wished to settle in the Negev kibbutz of Sde Boker.

France–Israel relations

After France's liberation by allied forces, David Ben-Gurion was confident that Charles de Gaulle would assist him in the founding of a Jewish state.

Hasmonean High School

Prof David Newman, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at Ben-Gurion University in Israel.

Hatzor Airbase

Two additional RAF airfields, RAF Lydda (Ben Gurion International Airport) and RAF Kfar Sirkin, were attacked in what became known as the "Night of the Airplanes".

Israeli legislative election, 1951

Ben-Gurion resigned on 6 December 1953 as he wished to settle in the Negev kibbutz of Sde Boker.

Israeli legislative election, 1955

The eighth government collapsed when Ben-Gurion resigned again on 5 July 1959 after Labour Unity and Mapam had voted against the government on the issue of selling arms to West Germany and refused to leave the coalition.

Jeremiah Halpern

In 1951 Halpern proposed to David Ben-Gurion to re-organise the Israeli commercial and military Marine Corps and to establish a research programme to explore the natural resources of the Red Sea.

Jewish land purchase in Palestine

"In 1920, Labor Zionist leader David Ben-Gurion expressed his concern about the Arab fellahin, whom he viewed as 'the most important asset of the native population'. Ben-Gurion said 'under no circumstances must we touch land belonging to the fellahs or worked by them'".

Ketura Sun

To honor the vision and leadership of Israel's first Prime Minister, David Ben-Gurion, Arava Power has chosen his image as the symbol for the first Israeli solar field.

Koenig Memorandum

Additionally, both the Tel Aviv magazine, New Outlook and the New York newspaper Jewish Press reported in the fall of 1976 that Koenig had collaborated with prominent activists in Mapai, the party of Ben-Gurion, Eshkol, Meir, Peres and Rabin to prepare the report, and that Zvi Aldoraty, Mapai candidate for Director of Arab Affairs, was a major co-author.

Lausanne Conference of 1949

Israeli Foreign Minister Moshe Sharett had hoped for a comprehensive peace settlement at Lausanne, but he was no match for Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion, who saw the armistice agreements that stopped the fighting with the Arab states as sufficient, and put a low priority on a permanent peace treaty.

Muslim history in Palestine

On May 14, 1948, one day before the end of the British Mandate of Palestine, the leaders of the Jewish community in Palestine led by prime minister David Ben-Gurion, made a declaration of independence, and the state of Israel was established.

Peulot Meyuhadot

The Peulot Meyuhadot (POM or Pum) (Hebrew: פלוגות מיוחדות) were three highly secret special operations squads set up in Palestine by Yitzhak Sadeh on David Ben-Gurion's orders early in 1939, towards the end of the 1936–1939 Arab revolt in Palestine.

Raymond Dwek

Dwek has received the degree of Doctoris Honoris Causa from the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium (1996), Ben Gurion University, Israel (2001), The Scripps Research Institute, USA.

Rock of Israel

Israeli leader David Ben-Gurion, who would become the country's first Prime Minister, spent the morning of 14 May mediating the dispute between Rabbi Maimon and Zisling.

Rose Warfman

She welcomed and guided many Israeli leaders during their stays in Paris, including Golda Meir, and David Ben-Gurion.

Rotem Crisis

Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion refused the IDF's request for a massive mobilization of reserves, but authorized the call-up of 7,000 men, the minimum required to maintain a heightened state of alert for a prolonged amount of time.

Ruth Klüger – Aliav

In October 1945, David Ben-Gurion arrived in Paris and, to avoid eavesdroppers, he and Klüger Aliav went for a four-hour walk in the Bois de Boulogne.

Sde Boker

Ben-Gurion moved to the kibbutz due to his vision of cultivating the arid Negev desert and building up its surrounding towns such as Yeruham and Dimona.


After the first Prime Minister of Israel, David Ben-Gurion, read the Declaration of Independence, Rabbi Fishman, recited the Shehecheyanu blessing, and the Declaration of Independence was signed.

Tel Aviv Light Rail

It will begin in Kfar Saba then continue on to Hod Hasharon, Herzliya, Ramat Hasharon on Sokolov Street, before joining Ben-Gurion Street in Ramat Gan, then Yitzhak Rabin Street in Givataim, then Moshe Dayan Street in Tel Aviv, Mikveh Israel, it will end in Holon after crossing Ariel Sharon Park.

The House on Garibaldi Street

Israeli premier David Ben-Gurion approves a Mossad operation to be led by Isser Harel to kidnap Adolf Eichmann, the Nazi mass murderer, in Argentina.

United Nations Conciliation Commission

The commission met from 12 to 25 February 1949 separately with Israeli and Arab governments, from 21 March in Beirut with Muhammad Nimr al-Hawari of the General Refugee Congress (GRC), the Palestinian Arab refugee delegation, and on 7 April in Tel Aviv with Israeli prime minister David Ben-Gurion.

Walid Khalidi

Under his guidance the Institute of Palestine Studies produced a long series of monographs in English and Arabic and several important translations of Hebrew texts into Arabic: 'The History of the Haganah', David Ben-Gurion and Shertok's diaries—texts that still await translation into English.

Yehoshua Cohen

Historian Michael Bar-Zohar claimed for a number of years that Cohen had privately confessed in his role in the attack to Ben-Gurion, but Cohen never responded to these claims publicly.

Cohen was never charged for his role in the assassination, and was one of the founders of the Sde Boker kibbutz in the Negev Desert, where David Ben-Gurion later lived.

Zalman Shoval

He was the Israeli ambassador to the United States in the years 1990–1993 and 1998–2000, and an active member of the Knesset in the Rafi party of Ben Gurion, the State List, and the Likud party.

see also