
3 unusual facts about Missouri Pacific Railroad

Iron Mountain Baby

On August 14, 1902, William Helms (June 5, 1835 – December 13, 1917), a 72-year old farmer and civil war veteran, was walking along the St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Railway (later the Missouri Pacific Railroad) where it crosses Big River outside of Irondale (Washington County, Missouri), collecting lumber for a barn he intended to build.

Norias Ranch Raid

At the time, Norias was the headquarters for the southern most portion of the 825,000-acre King Ranch and was also used by the Missouri Pacific Railroad to water their trains.

Rajarsi Janakananda

Leaving school at the age of fourteen, he began working for the Missouri Pacific Railroad, sweeping floors for $2 a month.

Henry Samuel Priest

There he served as city attorney, and was an attorney for the Missouri Pacific Railroad and Wabash Railroad from 1881 to 1894.

J. J. Pickle Research Campus

The Missouri Pacific Railroad and Loop 1 (also known as Mopac Blvd.) both run through the middle of the site.

Thomas Calloway Lea, Jr.

His grandfather, Dr. Pleasant John Graves Lea (also grandfather of Homer Lea, author of The Vermilion Pencil: A Romance of China), is the namesake for Lee's Summit, Missouri, although the name became spelled with an "e" instead of "a" because a stone culvert next to the Missouri Pacific Railroad station was set this way.

see also

Bushong, Kansas

Following the Browns 4 game to 2 win of the 1886 World Series over Chicago White Stockings, the Missouri Pacific Railroad honored several of the St. Louis players by naming some of their towns after the players.

Crowley County, Colorado

Other towns still existing along the Missouri Pacific Railroad's route are Sugar City, Crowley, and Olney Springs.


The Mopac Expressway, State Highway Loop 1 in Austin, Texas, named after the Missouri Pacific railroad whose tracks bisect the expressway.

Ridge, Robertson County, Texas

In 1916, the Missouri Pacific Railroad placed a switch known as Ridge in the community, and the community became known as Ridge.